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7 Natural Remedies for Yeast and Bad Bacteria Problems

When I suffered from yeast infection I can't tell you how embarrassed I was! And although medication has fixed the problem for me, I certainly don't want to go back to the doctor saying I am suffering from the same complaint. So now what I do is make use of these 7 preventative solutions to make sure I never again put my body through the same bacteria ordeal. And the best thing about these remedies is that they are natural, simple things you can pick up at the shops.
Yeast, remedies
Many yeast and bacterial infections are quite difficult to treat, and they could range from candida to bad acne. Some of these afflictions can even cause other health problems to occur by weakening your immune system. Yet, the problem is not so much the treatments offered (pills, lotions, creams etc) but the potential side effects from using them. It's much better to enjoy the kind of healthy lifestyle that keeps bad bacteria and nasty yeast at bay. 
1. Cut down on sugar
Yeast, remedies
There are many good reasons to beware of sugar in your diet, yet one you may not be aware of is this: sugar is the chief foodstuff of bacteria. So if you can reduce the amount of needless sugary things in your cupboard (fizzy drinks, chocolates, cookies, cakes) and also cut down on the amount of carbohydrates you consume, you will actually be cutting bacteria off at the source. Here are some carbohydrate-low alternatives you can tuck into.
2. Up your antioxidants' intake
Yeast, remedies
Antioxidants are especially good at reducing your body cells' oxidation process. One key benefit of this is that your immune system will cope better at dealing with bad bacteria if your cells are in a good condition. You can achieve this by filling your belly full of lovely antioxidant rich foods. Some of the best are green tea, fruits, coffee and chocolate. Antioxidants also stop free radicals wreaking havoc on your health so you have plenty of reasons to start right away. Combining antioxidants with a more fibrous diet is recommended.
3. Give oregano oil a time
Yeast, remedies
One little known fact about oregano is that it's tremendously good at killing yeast (particularly candida). Such a wonderfully natural antibacterial and anti-microbial herb can even be enjoyed in oil form. It is recommended that you start with four drops of this wonderful herb's oil per day to help reduce any potential bad bacteria to smithereens. 
4. Go for colloidal silver
Yeast, remedies
Colloidal silver is considered a potent weapon in man's continuous struggle with yeast and bacteria, so you might want to consider adding a teaspoon of colloidal silver thrice a day. However, silver, that great 'natural antibiotic' should be treated with kid gloves. See your doctor if you are worried it might be too powerful, since we want to leave some good bacteria in your system too.
5. Put probiotics on the menu
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Although life may not always be the comic book adventure you always hoped for, here is one instance where the villains really do get their comeuppance. There are many 'good bacteria' products available that market themselves on just this premise, that good bacteria can defeat bad bacteria. So, why not shop around for some probiotics and start to take some regularly. Pictured above is an example of a yogurty drink designed just for this purpose.  
6. Beware of abusing antibiotics
Yeast, remedies
Beware of overusing antibiotics without a doctor's advice. And if you have just undergone a course of antibiotics you should follow that up with a light course of probiotics, since we want your body to be producing as much of them as possible. Antibiotics can kill your good bacteria (which is not grown overnight), likewise your body can become effectively immune to their effects. This could be dangerous when your body actually needs this medication in the future. But if you have a good balance of probiotics in your diet, then you are free to enjoy some natural antibiotics.
7. Max out on vitamin D
Yeast, remedies
Vitamin D is terrific at restoring your hair, nails and skin to their former pristine glory, and importantly it is also essential for helping your body naturally create its own good bacteria to fend off the bad stuff and the yeast. You can take vitamin D supplements if your skin is sensitive to the sun, or you have an allergy related to the sun. Otherwise you should fill your larder with plenty of terrific vitamin D rich foods (like milk, liver, egg yolk and fatty fish), or give yourself around 30 minutes of sunshine per day.
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