Gardening and caring for our plants would be so much easier if our plants could only talk, and tell us exactly what they need, when. But, as this is obviously not the case, it doesn't mean that they are not communicating with us. Rather than saying it out loud, they physically show us! Here's what they need you to know:
1. Brown and Crunchy Leaves
The plant is: thirsty
Your plant needs a new lease on life, so be sure to water it until the soil is moist, but not saturated. Don't expect the problem to be solved overnight though! There is often a lag between the problem at hand and the leaves changing color, so be a little patient and this issue will be resolved.
2. Absent Leaves
The plant is: thirsty
If your plant is under-watered, it won't grow. So, if it looks a little on the skimpy side and hasn't changed much since you bought it, try watering it more often.
3. Leaves are Yellow at the Edges
The plant is: over-watered
When your plant appears a little umber-looking, you are likely feeding it a lot of water. Try watering it less frequently, just don't withhold watering completely - after all, your plant still needs to drink, it just doesn't need to be flooded!
4. Leaves Appear Misshapen or Discolored
The plant is: over-watered
It may surprise you to discover that over-watering is the number one killer of house plants. And, it's not just the heavy-handed approach to the watering that does it either. Check to see that your plant pot has adequate drainage. A re-purposed vessel that doesn't have holes in the bottom might mean too much water is caught up inside.
5. Leaves are Unusually Pale
The plant is: hungry
When leaves appear to be pale, your plant may need a frequent fertilizer particularly - iron. You may also want to move the plant to a larger container - increasing the size gradually, preferably, two inches at a time. With that said, don't expect to see results quickly.
6. Leaves Leaning to the Side
The plant is: in need of some sunlight
This is likely to happen among sun-loving plants. So, be sure to relocate the pot to a sunny window sill. If this is not possible, try pairing it with an 'understanding friend'.
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