Some people go to a beautician every single week for hair removal, but there’s actually a much simpler and cheaper way of removing hair in the comfort of your own home. These four methods will show you how to use turmeric, the Indian spice, in a face mask for hair removal purposes:
Turmeric for hair removal mask No. 1
• ½ cup of milk
• ½ cup of flour
• 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder
• 1 teaspoon of salt
1. Stir the mixture in a bowl until smooth. Add more turmeric to the mixture if it’s runny.
2. Apply the paste to the area that you want to remove hair from. Rub it into the area in a circular motion for 10 minutes.
3. Allow the paste to dry for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Both turmeric and salt dissolve hair by thinning them.
Turmeric for hair removal mask No. 2
• ½ bowl of sugar
• 1 cup of water
• 2 tablespoons of turmeric
• 2 tablespoons of lemon extract
1. Boil the water and add sugar. Leave the sugar to boil with the water until you’re left with a sticky syrup.
2. Allow the sugar syrup to cool, then add the turmeric and lemon extract. Stir the ingredients until the mixture becomes thick.
3. Apply the paste on the area that you wish to remove hair from and scrub it in a circular motion. Do this for five minutes and rinse off the paste.
4. Repeat this three times per week for the best results.
Turmeric for hair removal mask No. 3
• 1 teaspoon of turmeric
• 1 tablespoon of flour
• 2 tablespoons of milk
1. The ingredients for this mask are the same as the ones for the first mask, minus the salt. Simply add the ingredients to a bowl and whisk until you get a thick paste.
2. Apply the mask in the same direction as the hair growth in the area that you wish to remove, then scrub in the opposite direction.
3. Scrubbing will disturb hair growth, making it fall out at the root. You can also replace flour with oats for this particular face mask.
Turmeric for hair removal mask No. 4
• 1 cup of chickpea flour
• ½ tablespoon of turmeric
• ½ cup of milk
1. Add the chickpea flour to a small mixing bowl, then add the turmeric and stir for a just a few seconds.
2. Add the milk and stir the mixture until it turns into a thin paste.
3. Apply a thin layer of the mixture to the area you wish to remove hair from, applying in the same direction as the hair growth, and leave to dry for 20-25 minutes.
4. Use a washcloth and rub the area in the opposite direction to the hair growth. Use warm water to remove any remaining residue from the mask and apply moisturizer to soothe the area.
Turmeric for hair removal mask No. 5
• 3 teaspoons of turmeric
• 1 teaspoon of milk
1. You don’t need to worry too much about the measurements for this one, other than that you’re using three parts turmeric to one part milk. Mix the two ingredients into a paste and spread it on your skin.
2. Allow the mask to dry on the area you wish to remove hair from for 20 minutes.
3. Use a dry washcloth and scrub your skin in a circular motion to remove the mask.
4. Repeat this process every two to three days for the best results.
Bonus Tips and Video
1. It’s possible that your face might turn a little yellowy after using these masks, but you can use an apple cider vinegar toner to correct this. Coconut oil is also good for moisturizing the skin after hair removal.
2. Don’t repeat the treatment two days in a row, because it’s too much for your skin to handle.
3. Baking soda and soap are also good for removing yellow turmeric stains from your skin. Watch this video to find out more:
Health Benefits of Turmeric
Turmeric has numerous health benefits. Find out all about them here.
Images by Deposit Photos.
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