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3 Simple Ways to Tell GMO From Organic Foods

The issue of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) has caused a debate among scientists who argue about the impact of GM foods on health. Countries like the USA, Canada and China continue to grow modified corn, soybean and potatoes, while others like Austria, Greece and Hungary have opted to remain GMO-free.
While there is no proof on whether GM products cause harm, it is always preferable to opt for organic produce. What is known, however, is that GM products can cause an allergic reaction. For instance, if you are allergic to hazelnuts and you ate a product with hazelnut genes it may cause an allergic reaction. Here's what you should look out for:
1. Read the label
GMO tips
Organic products are marked '100% Organic', 'Organic', or 'Made with Organic Ingredients'. Look out for labels that are marked 'GMO-free', 'Non-GMO', or 'Made without Genetically Modified Ingredients'. These products may contain GMO but no more than 0.9%. In the USA, fruit and vegetables are marked with a PLU-code of 5 numbers on a label. The code on GM products starts with an 8.
2. Pay attention to how it looks
GMO tips
GM foods look prefect. They have the right shape and are all the same size. They also have a longer shelf life because their genes enables them to resist the negative external impact. Also notice whether vegetables have insects - this generally indicates that they are organic.
3. If you want to avoid GM ingredients here's what to keep in mind:
GMO tips

78% of soybeans, 33% of corn, 64% of cotton, and 24% of the rapeseed in the world are transgenic. GMOs are also:

Dairy and cheese products
Semi-finished products and flour mixtures
Breakfast cereals and instant porridge
Bread and confectionery
Sweet drinks
Cottonseed and peanut butter
Chocolate syrup

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