Knowing self-defense techniques is vital for ensuring your safety, especially if you live in a big, urban area. Although many people mistakenly think of self-defense only in terms of hitting an attacker where it hurts, it’s actually about where, when and how to attack if you need to.
There are certain things you can do to prevent getting into such a situation in the first place, namely avoiding high crime areas and always being aware of your surroundings. You should also consider carrying pepper spray if that’s something you’re comfortable doing.
With the above being said, there are various simple and effective self-defense techniques that you can learn should you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation. Here’s how to fight off an attacker, regardless of how they come at you:
In the event that a fight has already started, there are two highly effective moves that you can employ. The first is to grab one of your attacker’s hands with both of yours. Grab their pinky and ring finger with one hand and their middle and pointer finger with the other. Bend the wrist forward to inflict some serious pain on your attacker.
If the aforementioned isn’t possible, you can try jabbing your (male) attacker in the Adam’s apple. Alternatively, you can jab him between the collarbones. This will buy you a little time to continue fighting back as he tries to regain his composure
BONUS – How to free your hands
If an attacker happens to grab your hands, you can rotate your arm and/or wrist to the side where their thumb is. If you can get your arm under the attacker’s, pull it as hard as you can and it should slip out.
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