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26 Uses of Borax

Making your own homemade cleaning products is easy, as you're about to discover. In making such recipes, Borax plays a big role. But the uses of Borax extend beyond cleaning, it can deter mice, kill fleas, keep pests at bay and more. One other essential fact to note when using Borax is that it is a naturally occurring mineral also known as sodium borate.
It doesn't cause cancer, accumulate in the body or absorb through the skin. Borax is not harmful to the environment. People have been using Borax for over 100 years to clean their home and their laundry. So, with all this in mind, aren't you all the more excited to use Borax?  
1. Carpet Cleaning
Borax uses

Add 1/3 a cup of Borax per gallon of water in your carpet cleaning machine for an extra cleaning boost. 

2. Fruit Trees

Sprinkle a cup of Borax around a full-sized apple tree, or just a couple of tablespoons around a young tree, every three to four years. This will add boron, a trace mineral, to the soil. Boron is needed for good cell wall growth and for fruit and seed development. 

3. Control Pests

Keep roaches, waterbugs, and ants away by sprinkling equal parts of borax and sugar wherever you suspect they may be entering your home. 

4. Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Pour 1 cup of Borax into the toilet bowl at night before you go to sleep. Then in the morning, give the toilet a good scrub with your toilet brush. The Borax will loosen any grime or deposits, making it easier to scrub away. 

5. Flea Killer
Borax uses

Sprinkle some Borax on dog beds, carpets and other areas where you suspect that fleas are hatching. 

6. Mice Deterrent

Sprinkle borax on the floor and along the walls - mice like to run along the side of the walls, but they don't like the borax on their feet.  This way they are less likely to return to that area of the house. 

7. Preserving Flowers

Most varieties of fresh flowers can be preserved with the help of Borax. It removes the moisture from blossoms and leaves, preventing the wilting that would normally occur. Mix one part Borax with two parts cornmeal and sprinkle the mixture into the bottom of a box. Place the flowers in the box and sprinkle more of the Borax and cornmeal mixture over the top. Cover the box and let it sit for about 2 weeks, enabling the flowers to dry. 

8. Homemade Candles

Do you make your own candles? Treat the wicks by soaking them in a solution of salt and borax to help reduce ash and eliminate smoke problems. 

9. โ€œGoo Goneโ€ Remover

Remove sticky, gooey and gummy adhesive residue by mixing Borax and water in a 2-to-1 ratio, then rub the mixture onto the residue.

10. Cleaning Cookware
Borax uses

This mild and gentle cleaner is great for porcelain and aluminum cookware. Sprinkle Borax on pots and pans, rubbing it in with a damp dishcloth, then rinse thoroughly. 

11. Refrigerator Deodorizer

Wash away any stains and spills in your fridge with a sponge or soft cloth using a solution of 1 quart water and 1 tablespoon Borax. Rinse with cold water. 

12. Shower, Tub & Tile Cleaner

Sprinkle some Borax on a damp sponge or a soft cloth and use in the same way as a powdered cleanser. This can also be used on fiberglass surfaces without scratching the finish. Once complete, rinse thoroughly. 

13. Remove Rust

Start with a tablespoon or two of Borax, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and enough water to turn it into a paste. Apply the paste to the rust using a sponge or a scrubber. 

14. Clean Humidifiers

Help keep your humidifier free of odor by dissolving 1/2 a cup of Borax in a gallon of water and adding it to the tank. Run your humidifier for 10 to 15 minutes then dump out the tank and rinse well with clean water. 

15. Sink Cleaner
Borax uses

Remove stains from stainless steel or porcelain sinks by combining a paste of 1 cup borax and 1/4 cup lemon juice. Then, using a sponge or a cloth, rub the stain with the paste and rinse with warm water. 

16. Clean Outdoor Furniture

Combine 1 teaspoon of dish soap with 1 teaspoon Borax and 1 quart warm water in a spray bottle and use it to clean your outdoor furniture. 

17. Cat Litter Deodorizer

Keep the odor of your cat's litter box to a minimum by adding a few tablespoons of Borax to the litter. 

18. Garbage Disposal Cleaner

Keep your garbage disposal clean by putting three tablespoons of Borax down the drain, letting it sit for an hour and flushing it with warm water. 

19. Unclog Drains

Unclog drains with 1/2 a cup of Borax followed by two cups of boiling water. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes then run water over it for a few minutes to flush out the borax and any clogging. 

20. Clean Mattresses
Borax uses

Remove urine odor from a mattress by wetting it then rubbing in the Borax with a damp cloth. Let it dry, then vacuum the remaining residue. 

21. Garbage Can Deodorizer

Keep your garbage can odor free by filling it with borax and water. Let it soak, then rinse it out and let dry.

22. Kill Weeds

Use a sprinkle of Borax to kill weeds that surface in concrete cracks and on walkways. Bear in mind that Borax should not be used in the garden as it will kill your plants. 

23. Shine China

Is your China worn? Make it sparkle again by soaking it in a sink full of warm water and a 1/2 cup of Borax. Rinse well and wash a second time. 

24. Clean Hairbrushes and Combs

Mix a quarter cup of Borax and 1 tablespoon of dish soap in a basin filled with warm water. Swish the brushes in the water, then let them soak. After, rinse clean and allow the brushes to air dry completely. 

25. Mold Inhibitor

Make a thick paste of Borax and water, smearing it on the moldy area. Allow the paste to sit until it dries. Keep it at least overnight, then sweep up the powder and rinse the area clean. 

26. Refresh Linens

Keep your linens free from mildew and mustiness by soaking them in two quarts of water mixed with two cups of Borax. Let it sit for a few hours then rinse clean. 

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