In addition to the money we spend on medications for ourselves, anyone who owns a pet has to spend a considerable amount every time their four-legged friend falls ill. Of course, we want our pets to receive the best possible treatments, but there's no need to give up on that even if you want to save some money, especially when it comes to treatments you can perform at home using materials you already have. Get to know 15 home remedies and tips that will help your dogs and cats feel healthy and strong and prevent various diseases and problems. Note that in any case where there is a danger to your pet’s health, you should consult a veterinarian before starting treatment on your own.
1. Repel fleas with citrus fruits
Fleas don't like the smell of citrus fruits, so you can try rubbing your pet's fur with a bit of squeezed lemon or orange. Cats may refuse such treatment, as some of them avoid the scent of citrus fruits themselves.
2. Or repel fleas with yeast
A tiny amount of yeast along with a small amount of garlic in dogs' food can effectively prevent fleas. For cats, it's recommended not to use garlic, as it may cause them to suffer from anemia. However, you can add a little yeast to their food to help treat the problem.
3. Drown fleas with water
The most effective "solution" for fighting fleas is immersion in a bath of water. If your pet doesn’t make a fuss when you try to get them into the bathtub, you can wash and scrub their fur to get rid of the pests.
4. Make a tick-repelling collar
Instead of buying a tick-repellent collar, you can make your own by dripping essential oil (geranium, citrus, or eucalyptus) on your dog’s collar. Just a few drops are enough to repel the pesky ticks. This tip is not recommended for cats, only for dogs.
5. Spray chamomile to soothe irritated skin
Chamomile tea works wonders for irritated skin in pets, and it’s very easy to use. Prepare a brew in a spray bottle and store it in the fridge. When your pet scratches their skin too much and you notice a spot without fur that's irritated, spray a little of the chamomile tea on it to ease the discomfort.
6. Or use chamomile to treat itchy eyes

A pet suffering from itchy or infected eyes can hurt themselves, but a warm chamomile tea bag can help soothe the itch. If it's an infection, it’s recommended to consult a vet regarding further treatment.
7. Stop your pet from itching with ground oatmeal
If your pet is scratching non-stop, to the point of injuring themselves, you can help soothe the irritated area with a mixture of ground oatmeal and a little water. Rub the paste on the itchy area, wait 10 minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water.
8. Give probiotics to pets treated with antibiotics
Antibiotic treatments can cause digestive issues in pets, just like they do in humans. Just as it is recommended for us to consume probiotic foods, the same applies to pets. If your dog or cat is treated with antibiotics, you can give them a little unsweetened probiotic yogurt with their dinner to help soothe their upset stomach.
9. Apply Vitamin E oil on dry skin
The skin of pets, especially the pads of their paws, can crack, which may lead to injury and increased exposure to infections. To keep your pet’s skin moist and healthy, you can apply a little natural Vitamin E oil to the dry areas.
10. Use Epsom salt to relieve a sprain or strained muscle
If your dog has been jumping and playing until they strained a muscle or sprained their leg, you can help relieve the pain by adding half a cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath, letting them soak for five minutes, twice a day. If your dog prefers not to get into the bath, you can take a cloth soaked in warm water with Epsom salt and gently wipe the sore area for a few minutes.
11. Reduce hot spots by switching feeding bowls
Hot spots are known in veterinary medicine as "acute moist dermatitis" or "pyotraumatic dermatitis." If your pet suffers from chronic hot spots on their face or you notice what appears to be an allergic reaction on their face, you may need to switch their food bowl to one made of glass or metal. Plastic bowls tend to harbor more bacteria on their surface, and they may be the reason for hot spots. It's also recommended to wash the bowls from which your pets eat at least once a week.
12. Help your cat get rid of hairballs easily with butter

When a cat coughs often, they are usually trying to get rid of hairballs stuck in their digestive tract after cleaning themselves with their tongue. The best way to prevent this is to make sure to regularly brush their fur and wipe it with a damp towel afterward, but if your cat is already suffering and coughing, you can give them half a teaspoon of butter once a day for a few days. This will help them expel the hairballs more easily.
13. Let your cat drink cranberry juice if they have urinary tract problems

Many cats tend to suffer from urinary tract problems. If your cat has one, you can give them unsweetened cranberry juice to drink. Just like cranberry juice helps us get rid of infections and inflammations in the urinary tract, it also helps the urinary system of cats. You can pour a little juice over the cat's food or add it to their drinking water. If you want to give your cat cranberry tablets, it is recommended to consult your vet about the proper dosage.
14. Give your pet plums if they have digestive problems
Older animals tend to suffer from digestive problems, just like we do. If your pet is quieter than usual or seems to be straining excessively during bowel movements, it may be constipation. You can give them a little plum to help them get rid of the problem. Just make sure to remove the pits, and it's better to cut the plums into small pieces.
15. Feed your dog carrots to get rid of worms
Dogs can’t digest carrots, but if you add grated carrot pieces to their food, it will help them get rid of worms. The carrot will pass through the digestive system and collect along with it the mucus that harbors parasites from the intestinal walls. A few hours after consumption, the dog will naturally expel the carrot, along with the mucus and worms.
Image sources: Jorbasa Fotografie, Stuart Richards, shoehorn99, Phil Romans, -meryl-, Manabu Shimohira, Mike, praline3001, Selbe Lynn, Harold Meerveld, Teresa Alexander-Arab, Cristian Greselin, liz west, theilr, Benny Lin, ttarasiuk