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15 Alternative Uses For Dish Soap You Never Knew

We almost never tend to think of dish soap having any alternative use other than to clean dirty dishes, but it actually has a whole range of uses. Rather than leaving this simple cleaning tool sitting on the side of your kitchen sink until needed, here are 15 amazing alternative ways that you can put dish soap to use in your home:
1. Unclog a toilet

You don’t necessarily need a plunger to get rid of a blocked toilet – all you have to do is squirt a generous amount of dish soap into the bowl and flush.

2. Trap and Kill Fruit Flies

You can make a dish soap trap using a fruity-smelling variety of dish soap. Pour about an inch of it into an open container, such as a Tupperware container or Mason jar, then add water. Cover the container with plastic wrap and poke some holes in the wrap. The fruity smell will attract the fruit flies, which will fly in and be unable to leave again thanks to having their wings covered in soap.

3. Give Jewelry an Amazing Shine

Mix seltzer and dish soap, then leave your jewelry to soak in the mixture for about five minutes. Once the time is up, scrub off the remaining grime with a soft toothbrush, then rinse with water and leave to dry

4. Make an Ice Pack

It’s possible to make a homemade icepack by placing a cup of dish soap in a Ziploc bag. Place the bag in the freezer and use as needed. You can do this because dish soap never fully freezes, making it easy to place on wounds or bruises.

5. Get Rid of Grease Stains

To get rid of grease stains from clothing on fabric, put a drop or two of dish soap onto the stain and rub it gently with an old toothbrush. Once you’ve worked the dish soap into the stain, wash the clothing or fabric in warm water and watch the stain disappear.

6. Clean Grimy Patio Furniture

If you’ve got people coming over for a barbecue or outdoor meal, make sure that your patio furniture is clean by adding a squirt of dish soap to warm water and wiping away dirt and grime with a cloth.

7. Get Rid of Stains on Upholstery

To get that ugly stain off your sofa, simply fill a container – half with dish soap and half with water. Whip up the mixture using a hand mixer, then spot clean the stain using a rag.

8. Lubricate a Screw

DIY experts have a secret tip – simply put a drop of dish soap onto a screw in order to make it easier to screw into a piece of wood.

9. De-Fog Glass

Prevent windows or mirrors from fogging up by squirting some dish soap onto a clean, dry cloth and working it into the glass until the soap disappears.
10. De-Skunk a Pet

Should your dog or cat happen to have a run-in with a skunk, here’s how you get rid of the smell: Mix one quart of hydrogen peroxide, half a cup of baking soda and two teaspoons of dish soap. Apply the solution like a shampoo, and let it sit on your pet’s fur for 10-15 minutes before washing it off.

11. Keep Spiders and Ants Away

Mix soap and water in a spray bottle and use it to keep spiders, ants and other pests at bay by spraying the solution around vents, doors, windows and other entrances that pests might use.

12. Remove Oil Stains on Concrete

Sprinkle baking soda over an oil stain on a garage or concrete patio, then top it off with dish soap and scrub with a plastic or non-metallic brush. Leave to sit for a few hours after you’re done scrubbing, then rinse.

13. As a Budget Laundry Detergent

Don’t worry if you’ve run out of laundry detergent – you can use dish soap as a temporary substitute. Put a few drops of dish soap into two cups of water and sprinkle it in the washer once the water has filled up.

14. Kill Poison Ivy

Killing poison ivy is as simple as donning some rubber gloves and covering the plant’s leaves with dish soap. It should wither up and die within a few days of you doing this.

15. Get Rid of Red Wine Stains

To get rid of red wine stains from fabric or clothing, simply mix one teaspoon of dish soap with one cup of hydrogen peroxide, then drizzle the mixture onto the stain using a sponge. Allow the mixture to sink in for a bit, then rinse with cold water.


Content Source: TipHero

Images (including cover) by Deposit Photos

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