If you suffer from migraines, the pain and discomfort can be overwhelming. However, studies have revealed that smelling a green apple can help relieve some of the discomfort caused by a migraine.
2. Prevent Sugar from Crystallizing
Brown sugar is much healthier (and arguably – tastier) than white sugar. The only problem with it is that it tends to clump and crystallize. To prevent this from happening, put a piece of apple in a small fabric pouch and add it to your container of sugar. The apple will increase the moisture and prevent it from clumping together.
3. Preserve Baked Goods
Bread and cakes tend to dry out quickly, even when kept in a sealed container. To keep them from drying out, put half an apple into the container you keep your baked goods in.
4. General Cleaner
Instead of using chemical-filled industrial cleaners, why not make your own effective, antiseptic, deodorizing cleaner? Simply mix equal amounts of apple-cider vinegar and water into a spray bottle, and there you have it!
5. Natural Sweetener
Apples are an excellent replacement for sugar, as they add their unique flavor without overpowering the dish/drink. Apples contain fructose, which is healthier than white sugar and artificial sweeteners. Try adding grated apples to dishes instead of sugar and you’ll be amazed with the results.
8. Treat Allergies
Apples contain a chemical called quercetin, which helps the immune system limit the amount of histamines it produces during an allergic reaction. Histamines are what cause allergic symptoms, so reducing their amount will help ease your allergies.
9. Make a Fancy Drink
In recent years, flavored vodka has become quite popular, but its price can be much higher than regular vodka. If you fancy some apple-flavored vodka, simply follow this recipe:
11. Doggy Treats
While there are many foods you shouldn’t give your dog, apples happen to be one of the healthiest and most recommended fruits for dogs. Apples are much healthier than processed dog-treats, but be sure to avoid giving them the core. Apple seeds contain cyanide which is very poisonous for humans and dogs alike.
12. Flea Treatment
Apple-cider vinegar is incredibly effective at getting rid of fleas. Mix equal amounts of water and vinegar, apply it to your pet's fur and gently massage it into the skin. The vinegar will chase away the fleas quickly and effectively.
13. Fix Over-Salted Food
If you happen to add too much salt to a dish you’re making, just cut a few pieces of apple and put them in the pot. The apple pieces will absorb the salt without damaging the flavor of the dish.
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