From removing gloves to removing odor, from the kitchen to the bathroom, here are 12 great quick and easy tips for your home, that will save you time and effort each day! |
How to use honey for cooking
Before you pour honey into a glass or a measuring spoon, drip just a bit of cooking oil, so that the honey will slide out that much easier.
How to remove stubborn rubber gloves
Remove annoyingly sticky rubber gloves by placing your gloved hands under a cold water faucet for a few seconds, your hands will easily slide out.
How to wipe down a glass window
Wipe the inner side of the window horizontally and the outer side vertically, so if there is a stain in the end of the cleaning, you'll know what side it's on.
How to remove scratches from a glass container
Rub the glass container with a cloth that has toothpaste on it to remove small scratches.
How to fix a problematic zipper
Try to rub a pencil on the teeth of the stuck zipper. The lead will grease the teeth and allow the zipper to open and close more easily.
How to prevent steam from clouding your mirror?
Use shaving cream and a hand towel to rub the bathroom mirror, and it will not fog.
How to get all the juice out of citrus fruits
To enjoy a great amount of lemon or orange juice, roll the citrus fruit on the counter a few times, back and forth, before cutting and squeezing it.
How to get pillows back to their original fluffines
Renew old pillows by putting them in a dryer on low levels for 10 minutes, and they'll be as new.
How do you get wax off candlesticks
To remove wax off candlesticks, put them in the freezer for 20 minutes, and the wax will come right off.
How to remove the smell of garlic from your hands
To get rid of this strong and persistent odor, rub your hands on a stainless steel surface, such as your kitchen faucet.
How to deal with a leaky faucet
To stop a leaky faucet that is driving you crazy, tie a string of linen around it, so the string hangs underneath the opening. This will buy you precious quiet time until you find enough of it to fix that annoying faucet.
How to get rid of stinky shoe odor
Spread some baking soda in reeking shoes, leave it in for one day, and you will be rid of the smell.
You Don’t Always Need to Hit the Gym to Lose Belly Fat!
Want to get rid of your belly fat but can't hit the gym? These effective tips might just do the trick.
You Won't Believe How Much Power a Photographer Has...
If you want to learn about how photographers work their magic, then you've got to check out these photos, which promise to reveal all!
10 Unexpected Handy Uses for a Hairdryer
The hairdryer is one of the more useful appliances we have - here are 10 unexpected and super handy uses for a hairdryer.
These 6 Secrets Will Ensure You Look Divine in any Photo
This fantastic guide will reveal some basic errors that people make in photographs and how to improve them, ensuring you look great every time!
These Smart Tips Can Make Things a Lot Easier...
Share some great tips and daily shortcuts with your friends and family.
7 Items You Might Be Disinfecting the Wrong Way
With the Covid-19 outbreak, disinfecting has become a daily necessity. But some items can be damaged by the chemicals & need a gentler approach
Warning: Are You Overlooking These 10 Home Risks?
Home is where the heart is, but it’s also where a load of potential dangers lurk as well. Here are ten of them!
Old Pantyhose Can Be Used for So Many Surprising Things
Pantyhose rip so easily, but fortunately they can still be used around the house. Here are 14 handy uses for torn pantyhose.
These Nifty Visual Guides Can Come in Handy For All of Us
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Did You Know There’s an Optimal Time for a Cup of Coffee?
Learn when to drink your coffee for it to give you the best pick-me-up.
What Does Putting a Dishwasher Tablet in the Toilet Do?
Have you ever wondered what happens when you put a dishwasher tablet in the toilet?
These Body Language Tricks Will Make You Seem Confident
Use These body language tricks to help you appear more confident in a social gathering.
32 Tips and Tricks for Beginners to Sewing
In the following video, we've carefully curated 32 essential tips and tricks to ease your entry into the world of sewing.
12 Great Home Remedies to Cure Many Daily Ailments
Take note of these useful home remedies that will help you treat various daily ailments.
Here’s How to Learn a Language from Scratch for All Ages
Here are 4 effective and fun techniques that will help you learn new words in a new language fast and forever.
These Life Hacks Will Take Good Care of Your Shoes
Whether you're a seasoned collector or just looking to extend the life of your favorite pair, these insights will transform how you care for your footwear.
A Smarter Approach to Measuring Body Mass Index
The body mass index can actually be misleading. Here’s what you should use instead.
I Had No Idea that a Bar of Soap Could Be Used Like This!
Here are 6 innovative ways to use a bar of soap.
These Fun Games Will Help Boost Your Memory
Seniors will benefit greatly by playing these memory-enhancing games. Oh, and they are fun!
12 Recipes That'll Add Much Needed Green to Your Diet
If your kids or you hate eating your greens, try these 12 recipes and enjoy the health benefit without the taste you don't like.
20 Things You Can Do When You're Feeling Anxious
Stress can poison our daily life, but there are some small ways reduce it you can easily try.
You Can Do a Lot More With Milk Than Just Drinking It...
Milk is a basic ingredient in any household, but it's a waste to use it just for drinking, when you can put it into many more uses that will make your life easier while also saving you money!
These Guides Are Chock-a-Block With Helpful Info
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14 Ways to Enhance the Flavor of Your Cooking
We have collected 14 brilliant tips for you that will help turn your cooking and dining experience into an enjoyable and satisfying action.
Impress Guests With 14 Nifty Napkin Fold Styles!
This terrific video tutorial will show you 14 easy-to-do napkin folding styles that are creative, whimsical and will guarantee your guests approach the tables with admiring smiles.
15 Differences between Men and Women That Explain a Lot
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Super Guide: 14 Posts to Help You Sleep Like a Baby...
14 helpful guides on sleeping and dreaming. Get a real good night sleep and reduce pains in your body when you're awake.
You Can Use Windex For MUCH More Than Just Windows
First invented in the 1930s, Windex is a potent solution that can be used for so much more than what it was originally intended for, as this list proves.
Get Rid of Excessive Ear Wax with These Easy Home Remedies
Earwax is important for protecting our ear canals, however if our body produces too much of it, it can become a problem. Here are some home remedies.
11 Mistakes Any DIY-er Should Avoid
Before you begin your long awaited project, take a look at these common DIY mistakes and make sure you’re not making any of them along the way.
How to Manually Repair a Hole in a Sweater and Socks
Learn how to mend the most common holes and tears in your knit sweaters and socks and even in your jeans.
I've Used these Tips to Save Hundreds on My Groceries
Take a look at the following tips that I have used in recent months, to help me save hundreds of dollars on my groceries.
Here are 15 Ways I've Thought of to Reuse Plastic Bags
In recent years, we have seen laws introduced to control the use of plastic bags, in an attempt to encourage us to reuse and recycle them.You will be surprised to discover what you can do to reuse plastic bags.
Why These 8 Purchases Shouldn't Be on Installments
Using "Buy Now, Pay Later" services may not such a good idea for these items.
The Secret to Folding a Fitted Sheet!
A fitted sheet seems to be designed NOT to be folded. However, this video will tell you the truth and teach you how to fold it with ease.
10 Uses for Vinegar That Even Surprised Us!
Vinegar can do many magical things! Here are 10 extremely useful things that it can be used for at home.
Tip: It Is Possible to Peel an Orange in a Few Seconds
Peel oranges in just a few seconds and in the most effective method possible.
Fold Your Clothes the Right Way with This Guide
Have you been folding your clothes wrong all this time? These top 10 tips will help keep your clothes organized.
Did You Know Shampoo Has Other Useful Uses Besides Hair?
if you always thought your shampoo was only meant for keeping your hair healthy and beautiful, you are about to discover 10 particularly useful surprises!
The Easiest Way to Clean and Freshen Your Mattress
There are thousands of small reasons to clean your mattress, and one simple way to do so!
These Potatoes Will Definitely Make Your Dish Stand Out
Every great dish needs a great side dish to complement it. These Baked-twice potatoes are such a side dish.
We’ve Got All The Tips And Tricks to Get Out Coffee Stains
These are some tips to help you clean coffee stains that can affect 10 different areas of your life but are easy to fix.
33 Mistakes That Shorten the Life Span of Your Appliances
Home appliances often break down before their time. These 33 tips will ensure that they last you longer.
We Bet You Didn't Know Bleach Had This Many Different Uses
Bleach is often used to whiten fabrics, disinfect toilets, and clean tiles. However, as you're about to see, bleach has many other alternative uses.
Learn More About Your Partner By Asking Them These Questions
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10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Chamomile Tea
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Do You Have Dandruff? Here's How to Get Rid of It!
Do you suffer from dandruff? If so, instead of buying expensive shampoos, try these 8 natural remedies instead!
7 Proven Techniques for Testing & Fixing Christmas Lights
Test your holiday lights with these easy fixes.