1. They have a natural instinct to protect you.
Have you ever noticed that when you're feeling down, your dogs show their love by cuddling with you in bed or staying close to you when you're in scary places? It's not because they're scared, but because they can smell the adrenaline hormone that our bodies release in dangerous situations. They want to protect and support us. They become even more perceptive when a family member is missing because they know it affects us deeply.
2. They know how to tell you what they need
When it comes to getting what they want, dogs have mastered the art. Their pleading look, especially in puppies, has been scientifically proven to trigger the release of oxytocin, the "love hormone" that is also released when you hold your children. Your dog knows exactly how to tug at your heartstrings and get that treat, walk, or affection they've been waiting for.
![12 Things Your Dog Can Do...](https://en.bcdn.biz/Images/2023/7/23/9babe669-0b4a-4b43-9782-f1f16c828cb7.jpg)
3. Dogs possess superior abilities in identifying your problems and discomforts.
Thanks to their highly developed sense of smell, dogs can detect a range of medical issues, such as low blood sugar, migraines, and various types of pain. Trained dogs can even alert epileptic individuals about an upcoming seizure and identify infections in paralyzed patients who are unable to feel their own pain.
4. Dogs have a deep understanding of the fragility and delicacy of your baby.
A dog's inherent nature revolves around being part of a pack, and your family becomes their utmost priority. Your baby, as the newest and most delicate member of the family, is perceived as someone they need to protect at all costs. They will growl at any unfamiliar person who attempts to approach the baby and remain vigilant for any unusual activities when someone outside the family interacts with the child. Out of love and concern for your children, the dog may even attack someone they perceive as a threat if they believe the baby has been hurt. While this behavior is endearing and heartwarming, it also means you need to exercise caution and carefully consider who you allow near the baby when the dog is present
![12 Things Your Dog Can Do...](https://en.bcdn.biz/Images/2023/7/23/4b6eddb5-d645-4373-82b8-a533addab3db.jpg)
5. They can smell cancer
Dogs possess the remarkable ability to identify cancerous tumors within the body. Recent research has shown that dogs can detect the presence of cancer cells by utilizing their highly developed sense of smell. Through the detection of specific chemical changes released by malignant tumors, trained dogs can even alert individuals to the presence of cancer with astonishing precision. A study conducted on this subject revealed that dogs can identify breast cancer with an accuracy rate of 88% and lung cancer with an astounding accuracy rate of 99%!
6. Dogs can sense when you're going away for an extended period of time.
Dogs are highly perceptive creatures and can recognize the signs that indicate when you're about to leave them for an extended period of time. For example, when they see you packing a suitcase, they understand that you're going on a trip and may become anxious, exhibiting behaviors like shaking and crying. To help alleviate their distress, you can provide them with a new toy to play with or play classical music, which has been scientifically proven to have a calming effect on dogs.
![12 Things Your Dog Can Do...](https://en.bcdn.biz/Images/2023/7/23/65987bc4-3e98-4e18-b38a-d5fc5344dfd1.jpg)
7. They know how generous you are
Dogs have a keen sense of generosity and are drawn to those who demonstrate warmth and love. They observe how we share food with those in need and how we disregard others who require assistance. Based on these observations, dogs can form an opinion about the level of generosity displayed by different individuals. They will naturally gravitate towards those who are generous, not only towards themselves but also towards others, while they may choose to ignore individuals who show indifference to those around them.
8. They figure out when you'll be home
Dogs have an innate ability to sense when you're about to return home. They eagerly anticipate your arrival and often exhibit excitement or joy when they know you're coming back.
When you're away from home, your canine companions likely spend their time patiently waiting for your return. They become familiar with your routine, listen intently to the sounds of passing cars, and eagerly anticipate any signs of your arrival. If possible, they'll wait by the window, filled with anticipation and excitement, wagging their tails. Recent studies have shown that dogs may even know when you are coming back based on how "old" your scent is. If you return at regular times, they know when the smell is at it lowest that you will be coming soon.
![12 Things Your Dog Can Do...](https://en.bcdn.biz/Images/2023/7/23/7621f7ec-ed36-4ed9-afc4-b813b21601ca.jpg)
9. They know exactly where you were
Dogs have a remarkable ability to discern where you've been. Humans are like sponges to them, absorbing the scents of every place they visit. With their highly sensitive noses, which possess 60 times more smell receptors than humans, dogs can accurately determine your whereabouts, activities, and what you've touched. Even jealous dogs can pick up on the scent of other dogs, making it impossible to deceive them like you could with humans.
10. Dogs can sense tension between you and your partner.
Even if you don't express anger or frustration, your dog can always pick up on the fact that you've had a disagreement just by the subtle changes in your voice, the tension in your muscles, and even the way you move and open doors. Family arguments also affect your dog's mental state, as they prioritize your happiness and well-being.
![12 Things Your Dog Can Do...](https://en.bcdn.biz/Images/2023/7/23/795980c2-c178-4fa7-8f25-c4127e928772.jpg)
11. They understand your negative emotions
When you feel negative emotions towards someone, dogs are adept at recognizing your dislike based on changes in your breathing patterns. They also notice the slight stiffness in your muscles and can even detect subtle odors released by your body due to feelings of hatred. Loyal dogs may even adopt your animosity and exhibit hostility towards the person you avoid.
12. They sense when you're feeling down
It is widely known that dogs have a remarkable ability to interpret body language and facial expressions. Recent studies have shown that they can even sense sadness just by glancing at a picture of a partially obscured face. When someone is crying or showing frustration, dogs have a natural inclination to approach them first and provide comfort. They will go to great lengths to support their owner, whether it be by sitting close, nuzzling against them, or wagging their tail. In summary, dogs have an innate understanding of human emotions and will offer their unwavering support in any way they can.
![12 Things Your Dog Can Do...](https://en.bcdn.biz/Images/2023/7/23/94fde91d-3e34-4161-bdf0-1b2e0ba9b253.jpg)
In conclusion...
The bond between humans and dogs is a reciprocal one. While we often perceive ourselves as the ones who train and care for our furry friends, the truth is that they also care for us and possess enough understanding of us to manipulate situations for their benefit. Those who have experience raising dogs or have considered it will find joy in discovering these things. It warms the heart to realize that we are fortunate to have such loyal and remarkable companions. Armed with the knowledge of how well our dogs know us, we can undoubtedly enhance our relationship with our beloved pets.