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12 Things You Shouldn't Clean With Vinegar

One of the most well-known cleaning tips is to use vinegar instead of various chemical-containing products, and indeed, you can use this substance for cleaning, but it has some limitations that you should be aware of. Besides using it on floors or mirrors, vinegar is not a magic solution that does everything as some grandmothers claim, and in fact, in the following 12 cases, it is recommended that you don't use it and instead treat stains and dirt with other cleaning products. If you are unsure, try using a small amount of vinegar or first clean a hidden corner, and you will get the best proof of the safety of using it.

1. Stone Surfaces

Things you should not clean with vinegar: stone surface
Stone surfaces in the kitchen may seem indestructible, but the acid in vinegar is strong enough to leave stains on the stone over time, so it's recommended not to clean them with this substance. If you want to clean such surfaces, it's better to use a damp microfiber cloth.

2. Cast Iron Pans

Things you should not clean with vinegar: cast iron pan
Various cast iron cookware retains layers of fat that prevent food from sticking to them. It is forbidden to clean them with soap, as it will damage these fat layers, and vinegar has a similar effect, but it also causes rust. Therefore, it's recommended to clean such utensils with water and salt only.

3. Iron

Things you should not clean with vinegar: iron
As with cast iron cookware, the iron also tends to rust if cleaned with vinegar, as it is also made of iron. Some recommend pouring a little vinegar into the water tank of the iron and releasing the steam, so the iron will not be damaged, but even this tip should be taken with caution. In general, if you are worried about sediment accumulating inside the iron due to the metals and minerals found in tap water, fill it only with filtered water.

4. Stainless Steel Knives

Things you should not clean with vinegar: knives
Stainless steel is essentially an iron-carbon alloy, so using vinegar on products made of this material can damage their blade sharpness and contribute to the creation of very stubborn stains. Some people like the look of these stains on their knives, but if you prefer to keep them shining like new, avoid cleaning them with vinegar and use regular dish soap instead.

5. Aluminum Products

Things you should not clean with vinegar: aluminum pots
Aluminum may not rust like iron when it comes into contact with vinegar, but it will definitely get ugly stains that make it look old and uninviting. If you have utensils made of aluminum, it's better to wash them without vinegar, using warm water and dish soap at most.

6. Touch Screens

Things you should not clean with vinegar: person using tablet
Do you usually clean screens with vinegar? It's recommended that you avoid doing so when it comes to touch screens, as they have a thin and delicate layer that prevents fingerprints from appearing on them. Cleaning touch screens with vinegar damages that layer, so it's recommended to clean them only with a damp microfiber cloth.

7. Parquet Floor

Things you should not clean with vinegar: parquet floor
Most parquet floor manufacturers claim that cleaning parquet with vinegar will damage its finish layer, which protects it from scratches and dents. If you try to clean a parquet floor with vinegar, it will be equivalent to trying to clean with sandpaper, so it's better to use a damp mop without acidic substances.

8. Waxed Furniture

Things you should not clean with vinegar: shiny wooden furniture
Wax helps clean and shine furniture, and you can even make it at home for this purpose, but for the same reason mentioned in the previous item, it is recommended to avoid cleaning wax-coated wooden furniture with vinegar. To clean them effectively, simply use a damp microfiber cloth.

9. Washing Machine

Things you should not clean with vinegar: washing machine
On this subject, opinions are divided; some claim that vinegar helps clean clothes and that it can even disinfect the washing machine, but on the other hand, others say that it may destroy the rubber hose that connects the washing machine to the water system. If your washing machine has such a rubber hose, it is recommended that you avoid using vinegar without consulting a certified technician.

10. Unsealed Grooves

Things you should not clean with vinegar: grooves between ceramic tiles
When it comes to ceramic tiles, as long as there is no sealant between them, it is recommended that you don't
clean the grooves between them with vinegar. Note that even if there is a sealant between the grooves, it's usually made of cement, a material that is also not recommended to clean with vinegar, just as we mentioned in the case of cleaning stone surfaces with vinegar, because you will simply create more damage and stains than were already there.

11. Egg Stains on Clothes

Things you should not clean with vinegar: broken egg on floor
If an egg breaks in your hands and stains your clothes, do NOT try to clean it with vinegar at any cost! The acid will cause the egg to coagulate in a way that will make it even harder to remove. It's better to sprinkle salt on the stain, wait for an hour, and then put it in the wash.

12. Stubborn Carpet Stains

Things you should not clean with vinegar: person's hand cleaning wine stain on carpet with sponge
There are many methods to remove stains on carpets and some of them indeed include vinegar, but this is true only for simple and easy-to-remove stains. If your carpet has a prominent stain, such as one caused by red wine, grass, blood, or ink, it is recommended that you use another cleaning product, whether natural or one specifically designed for cleaning carpets. 
Image source: Stephani Spitzer
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