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11 Ways You’re Unknowingly Damaging Your Car

Owning a car is a substantial investment, and it's only natural to want to keep it running smoothly for as long as possible. Unfortunately, many of us, without even realizing it, have habits that can slowly chip away at our vehicle’s lifespan. Little things, like skipping regular maintenance or being heavy on the brakes, can add up over time, leading to more wear and tear. While you might think you’re taking good care of your car, certain behaviors can actually do more harm than good.

Related: Mistakes You Should Avoid When Maintaining Your Car

The good news, though, is that many of these bad habits are simple to correct. Stick with us as we break down the 11 ways you might be unintentionally shortening your car's life and how you can turn things around to ensure a longer, healthier journey for your beloved vehicle.

1. Using cheap fuel

common car mistakes
Using lower-quality fuel might seem like a good way to save money, but it can ultimately result in costly engine issues. If your engine is designed to run on premium fuel, opting for regular grade can cause performance problems and trigger warning lights, indicating trouble under the hood.

2. Neglecting maintenance

common car mistakes
Cars are designed for durability, but achieving their full potential depends heavily on consistent maintenance. Neglecting essential tasks like oil changes, tire rotations, and brake checks can cause long-term issues. Ensuring these routine services are performed on schedule is crucial to preventing serious damage.

3. Leaving your car idle

common car mistakes

Leaving your car idle for too long can have serious consequences. A prolonged period of inactivity can cause its battery to drain, tires to lose their shape, and gasoline to go stale. If you plan to store your vehicle for an extended period, make sure to choose a suitable location, ideally indoors, to shield it from harsh weather conditions.

Before storing, thoroughly wash your car to protect the paint from damage. It's also important to overinflate the tires slightly to maintain their shape. To keep rodents at bay, consider using mothballs soaked in peppermint oil. Finally, connect the battery to a trickle charger to keep it charged and healthy. This simple precaution will ensure your car is ready to hit the road when you need it again.

4. Driving with incorrect wheel alignment

common car mistakes

Incorrect wheel alignment can have far-reaching consequences for your vehicle's health and your safety on the road. When your wheels are not aligned correctly, it can cause uneven wear on your tires, leading to premature wear and tear. This, in turn, can increase the risk of a blowout or loss of traction, which can be hazardous on the road. Furthermore, misaligned wheels can also impact your car's fuel efficiency, causing you to consume more fuel than necessary.

To avoid these problems, find a reliable vehicle service garage in your area and have your wheel alignment checked and corrected by a professional mechanic. Regular wheel alignments can help extend the life of your tires, improve your car's handling, and reduce your fuel costs.

5. Bad driving habits

common car mistakes

If you're in the habit of driving aggressively, you may be unknowingly shortening the life of your vehicle. Habits such as slamming on the brakes, exceeding speed limits, driving through potholes at high speeds, and accelerating rapidly can all take a toll on your vehicle's components. This type of driving can lead to premature wear and tear on various parts, including the brakes, suspension, and engine.

A more considerate driving style will prolong the life of your vehicle and preserve its value. Driving more smoothly can also reduce the risk of costly repairs and minimize the need for frequent maintenance. Let's not forget that driving with care can improve your overall safety on the road, reducing the risk of accidents and near-misses.

6. Not washing it

common car mistakes
Many people wonder why it’s necessary to maintain a clean exterior for their car. It seems pointless since it will just get dirty again, right? However, regularly washing your vehicle is essential for protecting its paint job and minimizing the risk of rust forming over time. It's particularly important to clean the underside during winter when salt is used on roads, as this can quickly harm the exposed metal of your chassis. Keeping your car clean not only enhances its appearance but also contributes to its longevity and overall performance.

7. Forgetting to clean under the hood

common car mistakes
While we often concentrate on keeping the outside of our cars spotless, we often overlook the area under the hood. This lack of attention is a mistake. Regularly cleaning the exterior of your engine can eliminate accumulated grime and debris that could shorten the engine’s lifespan. A clean engine not only functions better but also helps identify potential problems early on. Taking the time to perform this maintenance can enhance your vehicle’s overall health and performance.

8. Constant exposure to extreme weather conditions

common car mistakes

Extreme weather conditions can adversely effect both the exterior and interior of your vehicle. High temperatures can cause the paint on your car to deteriorate, while freezing conditions can negatively influence how the engine operates. In particular, ultraviolet rays from the sun can severely damage the paint and interior materials, causing them to wear out much earlier than they should.

If garage parking isn’t an option, look for shaded areas or consider purchasing a quality car cover. This small investment can be incredibly beneficial in maintaining your car’s appearance, especially for those residing in more extreme climates.

9. Excessive mileage

common car mistakes

Low mileage is a key factor that many used car buyers look for when purchasing a vehicle. With the average yearly mileage sitting around 13,500, regularly driving more than this can quickly lower the value of the vehicle.

If your driving habits lead to higher mileage, you might want to explore different modes of transportation, including trains, planes, or carpooling with others.

10. Not changing your oil regularly

common car mistakes
Failing to change your oil as often as recommended can lead to the build-up of harmful substances in the engine, which may shorten your vehicle’s lifespan. Those who primarily drive in urban areas, where stop-and-go traffic can result in engine stress, should maintain a regular oil change schedule. Staying proactive about oil changes will help keep your vehicle running smoothly for many miles to come.

11. Continuously using the air conditioning in your car 

common car mistakes

Keeping the air conditioning on in your vehicle all the time comes with a cost, as it uses a certain amount of fuel to operate. This means that your vehicle’s fuel consumption is likely to rise by around 10% when the AC is running.

To maximize your mileage per tank, it’s beneficial to be strategic about how you use the air conditioning system. During warmer days, try using the car’s ventilation system or simply roll down the windows when driving at lower speeds. Save the air conditioning for when you’re on the highway or when it’s truly essential, as this approach can help enhance fuel efficiency overall.

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