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10 Great Tips That will Help You in the Kitchen

Real kitchen masters can slice an apple without using a knife, peel an egg in one smooth motion, and prevent onions from bringing tears to their eyes. They know all the tricks of the trade and enjoy sharing them with others. Below you can find 10 of the coolest culinary secrets that will bring you one step closer to becoming a kitchen master.
1. How to Peel Eggs Easily
10 Highly Useful Culinary Tips
Boiled eggs are much easier to peel if you put a slice of lemon in the pot when they're cooking. By the way, 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda has exactly the same effect.
2. Yogurt Drops
These are delicious healthy snacks that are loved among children. They're so easy to make too. Place some tasty yogurt into a plastic bag or a confectionery syringe, squeeze out drops of yogurt onto a cookie sheet, and place them in the freezer for 1 hour.
3. Slice Onions Without Crying
To prevent onions from making you cry, place them in the freezer for 15 minutes before you start cooking.
4. How to Bake Without Eggs
10 Highly Useful Culinary Tips

If you're about to bake some scones or pastries, but then suddenly realize that you have no eggs, you can use bananas instead: 1 egg = 1/2 banana.
5. Perfect Coffee 
This trick will be appreciated by coffee lovers and those who cannot wake up in the morning without a cup of freshly brewed coffee. To make the perfect coffee, add a pinch of salt and cinnamon to some ground coffee before brewing. The salt helps to get rid of the bitterness from any burned beans, and the cinnamon adds an amazing taste.
6. Slicing Pastry Without a Knife 
10 Highly Useful Culinary Tips
Dental floss can be used to quickly cut cakes or rolls into equal parts.
7. How to Split an Apple in Half Without a Knife

If you have one apple, and two eaters, here's a simple way to split the fruit in half:

  • Twist the stem off.
  • Take the apple in your hands, and keep turning until you find a comfortable finger position.
  • Press on the apple with your hands, pushing it aside - it should easily separate into 2 equal parts.

8. A Fast Way to Peel Garlic 
To save time peeling garlic, simply place it in the microwave for 15 seconds - this will make the husk easier to remove.

9. Better Than Fries

10 Highly Useful Culinary Tips
If you think nothing beats a French fry, then try cooking this: Make thin cuts in some potatoes, sprinkle with olive oil, place some butter into the cuts, and add salt and pepper to taste. Place them in the oven (preheated to 220 ยฐC) for 40 minutes. Warning! Potatoes cooked this way might just become your favorite dish!
10. Fast Potato Peeling 
If you don't like peeling potatoes, this is just the trick for you:
  • Make small cuts in the potato.
  • Pour hot water into a pan with the potatoes, place it on the stove, and wait until it's boiling.
  • Pour out the boiling water, and fill the pan with cold water.
  • Take one potato at a time, and pull the peel off.


Source: brightside

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