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10 DIY Tips for Grandparents

It can be very tempting to think that all you need to do to brighten up a child's face is to present them with a brand-new expensive toy or game. However, it’s even better for your relationship if you make them something yourself. These days of quarantine especially, we'd like to do something creative to battle boredom. Something different, unique even, created by you for them. There’s no better way to expend your creative power than with a fantastic family DIY project. Here are 10 fun ideas to inspire you and get you started.
1. The Endless Canvas
Kids love to doodle, which often gets them in big trouble. So, here’s a nifty idea: why not create an endless canvas for them to draw on to their heart’s content. Set a picture frame to the wall and feed a roll of butcher paper through it. This will bring hours of fun.
2. A Glowing Bathtub
Glow sticks are brilliant fun. If you buy the not toxic kind you can even put them in the bath. Simply turn the light off and pop them in. This will turn bath time into quite a magical treat. Just make sure never to cut open the glow sticks.
3. A Cardboard Stairs-Slide
DIY, tips, kids,
This homemade slide would be perfect for older kids. Save that old cardboard box and lay it over your stair for a hilarious indoor slide. What could be easier?!
4. A Faucet Extension
Anyone with younger kids or grandkids knows that though they want to do everything, the house just contains too many things built for bigger people. Here’s a great tip to make it possible for them to wash their hands by themselves. With a sharp knife (e.g. x-acto) cut open a used shampoo bottle with a hole for the tap and one at the end (also you could cut out the top side so they can see the water as an option). You’ll be surprised how well it works. Just make sure that there aren’t any sharp edges on the plastic.
5. Anti-Monster Spray
Kids love to hate monsters wherever they find them (where indeed?). Take advantage of this by filling an empty old spray bottle with water and sticking some monster stickers on the outside. Next time they want to play banish the monsters, they’ll have the perfect weapon. 
6. A Sandbox Bench
If you’re feeling a little ambitious, you might want to consider transforming your child or grandchild’s sandbox (sandpit) into a double-use bench. Ana White has come up with the instructions and can be found here.
7. The Cleaning Game
DIY, tips, kids,
Kids love to copy what you do, and they’ve noticed that you spend a lot of time cleaning, so they naturally want to help you out. Make this into a cute game by taping off a square of the floor as a goal for them to sweep the dirt into for you. So easy, and so brilliant.
8. A Magical Bed
It’s amazing how such a simple thing can mean the world to a child. This DIY tip requires only a canopy and some fairy lights to turn their bedroom into an enchanting wonder world. Whereas once they never wanted to go to bed, after this they might never want to leave!
9. A Dinky Car Park
This DIY project is something that any parent or grandparent can do. Instead of having all the child’s toy cars tossed aside into the usual box, you can easily construct a parking garage with a wooden crate, some used kitchen rolls, and glue. Here are the instructions.
10. A Cot-Desk

Oftentimes, young families and devoted grandparents will find that they no longer have any use for things they bought, such as a cot. Yet even this can be repurposed into anything you can think of. Here, for instance, are instructions for a child’s desk. Wouldn’t it be great to keep that old cot in the family for a few more years?


Images and content: goodnet.com

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