Have you ever stood in front of the mirror a few minutes before leaving your house to meet up with friends or go to an event thinking, "I wish I could do something new, with my hair?" Instead of sighing in despair or fantasizing about a hair stylist knocking on your door, you can now upgrade your hairstyle all on your own with the following 10 easy do’s! Whether u have short hair, have an important event to go, or are just looking for a new daily look, these simple but impressive hairstyles will answer your every need.
1. Create a side part and then separate two large strands of hair in front of your head. To create a straight part you can use your pinkie or a pointy tip of a comb. You can also use this tip to separate the two front pieces. Use a hair curler to create a gentle curl in those front two pieces.
2. Grasp the strand of hair on the larger side of the part (in this picture it’s the strand above the model’s right eye).
3. Using a comb handle, wrap the strand of hair around it parallel to your head till you reach ¾ of the strand.
4. Insert 3 bobby pins next to the end of the comb before removing it from the strand of hair. Remember to gently slide the comb out to keep the curl in place.
5. Add more pins into the curl to keep it in place.
6. Insert a loose hairpin (U-shaped) in a diagonal direction at the back of the curled strand. Turn it slightly to the left to give it volume and to give it a tighter look.
1. Before you start braiding, spray your hair with volumizing hairspray.
2. If the front of your hair is shorter than the rest of it, pin it back.
3. Pick up a large piece of hair in the center of your head and start combing it in, in the opposite direction that you normally would - from the bottom up, from the ends of the hair to its roots. This may seem confusing, but it will give your hair a lot of volume.
4. Start braiding the French braid. Take two thick pieces of hair from the sides of the volumized center piece, and one from the center and start braiding.
5. Once you reach the nape of your neck, pull the braid to your side over your shoulder and continue braiding
6. After finishing the braid, loosen it, gently pulling the pieces of hair.
7. Unpin the pieces of hair that you pinned back in the beginning and gently comb it back so that they blend in with the rest of the hair.
8. Spray your hair again to hold the hairstyle in place and give your hair a textured finish.
1. Using a hair curler, loosely curl your hair.
2. Pull the hair into a low side ponytail next to your right ear.
3. Tie the hair with a strong ponytail holder.
4. Brush the hair upwards to give it volume (from the edges to the roots).
5. Split the ponytail hair into two equal pieces.
6. Start taking smaller pieces out of each part and pinning it to your head around the ponytail. This will create the illusion of a loose bun.
1. Gather your hair into a high bun, leaving yourself a long tail.
2. Separate the bun into two parts in the middle - these will be both sides of the bow.
3. Take the tail of the hair at the front of your head, and pull It back through the middle of the bun and pin it down, making sure not to leave any sticking out the back. This part of the hair will become the middle section of the bowel.
4. Using a few bobby pins, hold the “bow” sides in place by pinning the bottoms to your hair.
1. Blow out your hair so that it is relatively straight.
2. Create a center part
3. Take a thin piece of hair, about three inches wide, and begin curling it.
4. After curling each piece, pin the curl to your head
5. Let the curls cool while pinned (take this time to do your makeup)
6. After the curls have cooled, unpin and brush them gently. Brush from the inside of the hair.
7. If some of the curls have completely fallen, re-curl them with the hair curler.
8. To hold the curls and give the look some texture, spray with hairspray.
1. After washing your hair, dry it with a blow-dryer using a round brush.
Brush your hair from the roots to the ends but make sure not to roll the brush, rather pull straight – this will make your hair nice and straight
2. Using a little oil or serum, play with the front of your hair pulling it up a little
3. Spray with hairspray to keep that awesome fauxhawk in place.
1. After you’ve washed and dried your hair, comb it thoroughly.
2. Pull your hair into a high pony.
3. To give a shiny, smooth appearance, use a little cream or serum to pull back and flatter your baby hairs.
4. Spray with hairspray.
5. Tie your hair with a band that matches your hair color.
6. Take a 2-inch piece of hair and wrap it tightly around the ponytail to cover it completely. Pin the end of it into the bottom of your ponytail using a bobby pin.
1. Create a side part. Don’t work about making it completely straight – it doesn’t have to be so neat.
2. Gather each side of the part into a ponytail.
3. Separate a thin piece of hair and wrap it around the holders, pinning them down at the bottom of the holders.
4. Split each ponytail into three pieces.
5. Braid each side.
6. Once you’re done braiding, loosen the braid by tugging at the pieces, giving it a fuller and looser look.
7. Take the right braid and lift it up, across the top of your head to the other side. Pin the end of it down behind your ear.
8. Repeat with the left braid putting it right behind the first one, and pin it behind your ear.
1. Create a sharp side part. You can use your pinky or the pointy tip of a comb.
2. Take a large strand of hair from the center of your head and comb it backward (from edge to root).
3. Once you’re done teasing your hair, gently comb on the top to smooth it out.
4. Pin the piece of hair down using bobby pins.
5. Spray your hair with a hairspray to keep the look in place.
6. complete the look with mod-inspired makeup.
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Loop, Knot, Drape: Fall Scarf Tying 101
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Video Guide: Peel a Potato in Less Than a Minute
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