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10 Additional Uses for Shampoo

We are always happy to discover the various other uses we can make of the range of products we always have at home, such as the fragrant shampoo we use to wash our hair and keep it healthy. Just as it has the ability to cleanse the scalp and leave it free of dirt, dandruff, oils, and other contaminants, this product can also be of great help in a few other daily tasks and make our lives easier. So if you always thought your shampoo was only meant for keeping your hair healthy and beautiful, you are about to discover 10 particularly useful surprises!

1. Cleaning the car

Shampoo has a remarkable ability to fight the toughest grease stains and can be used to clean your car. Add a quarter cup of shampoo into a bucket of water and thoroughly clean the car. To remove particularly tough stains, pour a small amount of shampoo directly onto a cleaning cloth and scrub the stubborn spot. You’ll be surprised at how shiny and bright your car will look after giving it this special treatment.

2. Foot care

Foot care can sometimes be exhausting – scrubbing, filing, brushing, pedicures, and manicures, all actions many routinely perform to enjoy smooth and clean feet. You might be surprised to hear that you don't always need all this hassle and that you can give your feet excellent care with shampoo, without any special effort. All you need to do is apply some shampoo to your feet before bed, wear a pair of light cotton socks, and go to sleep. When you wake up and remove the socks, you will have smooth, clean feet as soft as silk.

Surprising uses for shampoo: Feet in a basin with flowers and water

3. Repairing and restoring leather goods

You don't need any oils, creams, or special products to breathe new life into your worn leather goods. Wallets, leather bags, beloved shoes – you can revive them all by lightly wiping a cloth with a little shampoo over the worn areas. This action will restore color and shine to your leather items, and in the case of shoes, it can also protect them from various stains.

4. Cleaning makeup brushes

Do you clean and brush your makeup brushes enough? Chances are, not necessarily, but once you realize that a simple and easy product is hiding in your bathroom to help you do it, you won’t have any more excuses to postpone cleaning. All you need to do is follow these instructions: remove all hair and dirt that can easily be taken out of the brush, then fill a bowl or small jar with warm water and add some shampoo. Put the brushes in the container and leave them there for 10-15 minutes. Then let them air dry, and in the end, they will be clean and ready for use again.

Surprising uses for shampoo: Makeup brushes

5. Use as shaving cream

The next time you suddenly realize, just before shaving, that your shaving gel or foam is empty, you don't have to give up on the basic task or rush to buy a product at that moment. You can simply mix two products commonly found in almost every bathroom: shampoo and hair conditioner. This mixture creates an excellent shaving cream that will help you soften the hair and remove it smoothly and pleasantly.

6. Unsticking a stuck zipper

The zippers that adorn our clothes often tend to get stuck, leaving us unable to close the garment properly. There is a simple and uncomplicated way to solve this annoying issue: apply a little shampoo to the stuck zipper and make sure the product gets into all the small gaps and spaces in it. Let the zipper dry for a few minutes, and then try releasing it again – it will likely work more easily this time.

Surprising uses for shampoo: Opening a zipper

7. Removing stains from walls

We are all familiar with the frustration that comes from being unable to remove dirt and stains that accumulate on the walls of our home – whether from natural wear or from our children touching them and getting them dirty. What can be done to get rid of these stubborn stains, you ask? Very simple – they will come off easily with a light touch of shampoo! Dip a cloth in warm water, add a little shampoo to it, and start scrubbing the stains. It won’t take long until the wall returns to its original and beautiful color.

8. Softening and releasing band-aids from the skin

Band-aids provide an excellent solution for small injuries, scratches, and cuts, helping us bandage the injured area and prevent infection. However, the moment of removing them after the wound has healed or when we want to replace them can be very uncomfortable and sometimes even painful and burning to the skin. To reduce this discomfort when removing a band-aid from anywhere on your body, all you need to do is apply a little shampoo to the band-aid itself and a bit around the skin surrounding the area. This will soften the pain of removing the band-aid, weaken the adhesive, and prevent any damage to the skin.

Surprising uses for shampoo: Band-aid on skin

9. Removing grease in the kitchen

As we have explained in previous sections, shampoo has excellent grease removal abilities, so we recommend using it to get rid of grease buildup on your kitchen surfaces and utensils. All you need to do is pour some shampoo onto a damp cloth and wipe the greasy area with it. Let the product dry for a few minutes, rinse well with water, and you will see the difference. If you want to improve the cleaning power and speed up the process, you can sprinkle a bit of baking soda on the cloth along with the shampoo.

10. Assisting in facial skin cleansing

Beyond all the uses we have mentioned so far, shampoo can also serve as an excellent product for cleansing and brightening your facial skin. If you’re in a hurry and don’t have enough time to shower and take care of your facial skin, you can simply take a bit of shampoo, apply it to your face (be careful around the eyes!), wash thoroughly with water – and the product will do the job. Shampoo helps refresh and cleanse the skin, and it also works to moisturize it, making it suitable for treating dry and cracked skin.

Source of images: 1950sUnlimited, U.S. Air Force

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