Take Our Quiz: Would You Rather...?
This quiz gives you hypothetical "would you rather" situtations and will try to analyse, based on your choices, your biggest fear.
Would You Rather Look Like a Model or Yourself?
These 4 ordinary, yet still attractive, women volunteered to take photos which will later be enhanced, airbrushed and modified using a similar process to those the photos of cover models do. See what they thought of the end result.
These Lesser-Known History Facts Are Rather Surprising
Whether you're an avid historian or a bit of a novice to the subject, I'm sure that you will find these 10 facts rather surprising.
Would You Eat This Dragon?
A very traditional Chinese folk art which is really rarely seen nowadays is drawing with hot caramel sugar, which hardens very quickly and can be lifted off the page to present a real life suger sculpture, beautiful to see and yummy to eat!
Test: If You Were a Dog, Which Breed Would You Be?
Dog breeds exhibit wildly different characteristics, rather like us people. So, if you were reborn as a dog, which breed would you be? Let's find out!
QUIZ: What Kind of Scholar Would You Be?
What kind of intellectual and scholar would YOU be? Take our quiz to find out!
What Would YOU Do In This Situation?
What would you do if you saw the experiment in this video?
Would You Go Into Hibernation if You Could?
What can we learn and earn if we humans learn to hibernate one day?
If You Were in Government, Where Would You Be?
Which role would YOU play in a government cabinet? Answer honestly and you may find out...
Quiz: WHEN Would You Go To?
Everyone dreams about time-travel, but it's hard to know which era we would best belong in. This personality quiz will decide just where it is you ought to be.
The Bystander Effect - Would You Help?
The bystander effect is a psychological term regarding the tendency of groups of people to shrug individual responsibility, always believing that someone else would act. This chilling experiment shows how true this can be.
This Golfer Gets a Rather RUDE Awakening...
This woman, who happens to be a physiotherapist, hits a man with a golf ball and goes over to help relieve his pain...
Funny: God Is Rather More Witty Than You Imagine, Pal
A conversation with God is quite a privileged thing, especially when he turns out to be as witty as this...
The World Has Been Through Rather Funny Changes Lately...
It's funny how the world has changed - literally. From how technology has changed our lives, to how society itself has changed, there's humor to be found.
Would YOU Return a Lost Wallet?
Test yourself - how honest are you with yourself, really?
What Would You Do in Such a Frightening Situation?
Imagine that while sitting in a cafe, you see a 40-year-old-man on a date with a 16-year-old girl...
Would You Stop a Murder? - Scary Experiment!
What would you do if you walked into a murder in progress?
QUIZ: Would You Make a Good General?
What kind of tactics and strategies you are likely to use as a general?
Joke: What Would You Like to Hear?
Three buddies are out hooning around in a sports saloon.
Who Would You Help? - Social Experiment
Suit or Homeless - Who Would You Help?
Would you like a ride to hell? - Hilarious!
!A classic Brazilian prank. this one will make you sit up and take a fright
How Would You Draw Love? - Adorable!
These adorable children were asked to draw how they felt about love, and the results are priceless!
How Much Would You Pay for Chocolate?
Chocolate is one of the oldest foods in the world. It was already known in ancient times, the Aztecs and Mayan people would tend to grind cacao seeds and mix them with different spices, food and drink. Over the years, the chocolate transformed and be
How Would You Handle a Life-Threatening Situation?
How would you handle these life-threatening situations? 12 tips to keep in mind.
PERSONALITY TEST: Would You Be an Everyday Hero?
What kind of real world hero are you most suited to be?