Know the Signs: The Complete Guide to Body Language!
You can learn a lot about a person’s intent by reading his body language, so find out just what that wink meant with this helpful guide.
Joke: The Winking Problem
This joke makes you think about how winking can get you in trouble.
Hilarious: The Winking Problem!
Joke: This Man Desperately Needs His Aspirin
A man is after a broadcasting job, but his winking is jeopardizing his chances - He needs some aspirin!
They Did NOT Expect this Salsa Switch!
The Sexy Salsa Switcheroo!
What a Gag: This Boy Knows How to Charm the Ladies!
This little Casanova reaches women's hearts with wine and milk, and is one of the cutest and funniest videos I've ever seen.
Hilarious: Let Me Try and Use This Password
A woman is helping her husband to set up his new laptop. He decides to enter a new password, but the laptop doesn't seem to be interested...
This is What Happens When Statues Come to Life (Funny)
These park statues were brought to life by an angel as a reward, but little did the angel know what they would get up to once they were vivified...
This Joke Starts With Mrs. Jones Talking to a Minister
A hilarious joke about proper church behavior...
Priceless: How Dogs' Faces Would Look on Humans
Can you imagine how funny dogs' facial expressions would look like on humans? Check out this entertaining collection of photos.
Spectacular Arrangements of Food That Create Works of Art
This Instagram artist and meal-prepper has created absolutely magnificent artwork using nothing but food items.
This Joke Starts With a Rare Alcohol Expert
This joke begins with an alcoholic showing his skills...
18 of the Most Incredibly-Timed Photos You'll Ever See
These photos will leave you in awe of their timing. The visual impact they have is staggering. Take a look at these 18 images.
This Joke Starts With Three Dogs Walking Down the Street
Three male dogs are walking down the street when they see a beautiful female poodle. She tells them that whoever has the best way with words would get her...
When Cats Sleep in the Silliest Places I always Laugh
Why are the rules so different for cats, when it comes to sleeping locations? These pussies are amazing!
Funny Joke: The Salesman and the Farmer's Daughter
You make an omelette, you have to break some eggs...
Joke: The Painter's Secret
Many years ago, a wealthy woman, quite fond of collecting antiques and curiosities, found a vase during her travels.
Have You Heard This One? An Alluring Poodle...
When a poodle sees she has many suitors, she comes up with an unusual challenge for them....
Is The Dog Okay? - 16 Sidesplitting Photos
Apart from being cute, loving, and loyal, dogs can also be hysterically funny - and these photos are proof!
Why Does It Hurt So Much - Touching and Beautiful.
What follows is a letter sent to us by a man who has lost his wife to cancer. He told us writing this helped him deal with some of what he was feeling. The questions he had for himself.
Every Dog Breed Has Its Own Captivating Personality
The award winning photo series The Dog Show perfectly captures the unique characters and personality quirks of different dog breeds.
Have a Laugh When You Read These 7 Dumb Jokes
Do you enjoy a good dumb joke? I sincerely hope that you do, because I've put an amazing collection of them together for you. Enjoy these 7 dumb jokes.
I Can’t Believe How Inventive These Movable Bridges Are
Engineering can be so inspiring. See the modern solutions technology and inventiveness offer with these movable bridges.
I Had Given Up On Dating... Before I Found These Sites
Those of us that are single and over 50 tend to think we don't have many opportunities to date. Wrong! Here's selection of 5 great dating websites for mature adults.
Have You Heard This Joke? These Jokes Are Rude!
These jokes are rude but clever!