Financial Planning for Widowhood - 7 Important Tips
Losing a spouse can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. But there are some important financial steps you must take immediately.
Joke: The Widow and the Special Words...
This joke begins with a grieving widow at a funeral, when a few men would like to say a few words... literally.
This Joke Starts With an Aroused Widow
A widow is having a hard time consummating a date with a man she's been seeing. As he begins to ask questions, her answers become quite odd...
Joke: The Widow and Her Personal Ad
A lonely widow, aged 70, decided that it was time to get married again. She put an ad in the local paper that read:
Meet the Black Widow – Nature’s Amazing Killer Queen
Black widow spiders are one of the most fascinating creatures of nature but are also quite misunderstood. Find out more about them.
This Joke Begins At a New York Contractor's Funeral
A Staten Island contractor went to meet his maker following a terrible freak accident. Luckily, he left his wife with a sizable inheritance...
Joke: It's Never Too Late For Marriage
There were these two elderly people living in a Florida mobile home park. He was a widower and she a widow. They had known one another for a number of years.
What Spider Bites Look Like and How to Treat Them At Home
Learn to distinguish dangerous spider bites from non-dangerous ones and how to treat a spider bite at home.
This Joke Begins With a Stormy Night in a Barn...
This joke begins with 2 friends seeking shelter...
Have You Heard This One? Hot Dates at Seventy
Getting on a bit, an elderly widow decides to put herself out there and start dating again...
This Joke Starts With Two Elderly People In a Trailer Park
Two elderly people sharing a trailer home decide that it's time to get married...
RUDE! This Joke is Naughty...
A confusing answer...
Joke: The Fortune Teller and the Bad News
A sneaky woman decides to visit a fortune teller when she's in New Orleans
This Joke Starts With a Woman Visiting the Fortune Teller
This Joke Starts With a Wrong Address..
Hilarious joke about the trouble a little letter can create
For My Next Diet Trick I Will Need an Unpeeled Potato
Penn Jillette explains how he managed to lose 100 lbs and stabilize his blood pressure levels.
This Animal Art Is Made Entirely Out of Flowers
This artist uses flowers as his tool and bugs as his inspiration.
Going Down to Insect Level - Incredible Photos!
A photography project like no other...
Street Artist Turns Abandoned Buildings into Art Galleries
Sergio Odeith is a talented Portuguese street artist that employs a truly unique technique of creating 3D optical illusions.
Oh Madam, It Was Just a Little Switcheroo (Funny Joke)
A woman is incredibly happy with the result of what was done for her husband in the mortuary. Little did she know what the mortician actually did with him...
10 Beneficial Insects Your Garden Needs Right Away
Keep pests at bay in your garden with this handy guide.
Do You Have Common Sense? Take Our Test!
Common sense is the intelligence that everyone OUGHT to have and it isn't as common as you might think. Take our test to see if you have more than your fair share, or not!
Hilarious: Social Security Never Got a Letter Like This
When social security received this letter from a certain Colin, they concurred that it was the most outrageous (and hilarious) letter they had ever been sent.
Hilarious: Isn't Marriage a Funny Thing?
The best of marriage jokes, and all in good fun!
This Joke Starts With a Man Working At the Post Office
A man working at the post office has to go through all the illegible letters when he comes across one from Edna...