What Happens To Your Computer If You Never Shut It Off?
Computer maintenance is tough enough, but this video explains how shutting down your system regularly can help sustain it for longer.
This Cheeky Elephant Shuts Down Roads for a Quick Meal
This cheeky elephant's snack quest led to an unexpected traffic jam.
7 Reasons Why Your Computer is Running Abnormally Slow
There are many things that could be slowing your computer down and you'll find 7 of them in this article. Take a look!
Why Do We Sometimes Hallucinate? Find Out Here!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Elizabeth Cox details the science of hallucinations.
Quiz: Can We Test Your Basic Computer Knowledge??
To see where you are on this spectrum of computer know-how, we challenge you to our computer quiz! Answer these 13 questions to become a computer wiz!
What on Earth Is Quantum Computing? Find Out Here
This short video below explains everything you need to know about quantum computers.
Why is Europe Cutting Down on Air Travel?
Europe is seriously considering a shift from air travel to high-speed railway systems, but why?
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Our Health at Risk...
Some facts everyone should know about sitting.
Hilarious: This is Why We Love Kids...
There are a number of reasons we love kids! It isn't just because they laugh out loud most of the time or look great in photos - they also make us laugh...
How Civilizations Computed Before the Days of Computers
In Ancient and Medieval times, these ingenious computing devices were relied upon the way we now rely on computers.
Why Do We Need a Flu Shot Every Year? Find Out Here!
Ever wondered why you need a flu shot every year? Well, this TED-Ed video has the answers you've been looking for!
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Your Health at Risk
Why Do We Get Hangovers?
Every time you get a hangover, this is what is happening inside your body...
Why Is Yawning Contagious? - Find Out!
o why is yawning so darn contagious?
Why Don't We Have These Japanese Things in Our Countries?
The Japanese are inventive free thinkers. Even though they have taken a lot of ideas from the West, they have plenty of their own. Maybe we should copy them!
Why Are We So Susceptible to Misinformation?
It turns out that people are wired to believe certain misconceptions rather than see the whole picture... but why is that?
Computer Guide: How to Format Your Computer - PC & Mac
how do we create a new computer from the old, formatting it and making it work like new? This guide will show you!
Joke: Why We Age the Way We Do
On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark...
Why We Sleep: A Fascinating Lecture!
In this fascinating lecture, you're going to learn all about why we need to sleep and what happens while we do.
13 Reasons Why Your Memory Is Letting You Down
Have you become more forgetful lately? There could be numerous reasons for that happening. Read on to find out 13 possible reasons why you keep forgetting.
Why Do We Snore? - Educational!
Snoring may seem funny or harmless at first, can it is often a sign of something more dangerous going on while you sleep.
Why Is Glass Transparent? Come In and Find Out.
How is glass transparent, what makes it so special?
How We Might Slow Down or Even REVERSE Aging Soon
Epigenetics, a new branch of biology, may hide the secret to anti-aging. This series of short interviews explains how this might work...
Computer Guide: How to Keep Your Computer Up-to-Date!
Follow this simple guide to update drives and resolve common issues on your Windows computer.
Actually, Why DO We Have Allergies?
Evolution usually explains why the human body works and behaves the way it does. So why didn't evolution eliminate allergies?