The Good and Bad White Lies in a Relationship
Four scenarios where it is acceptable to tell a white lie and 4 in which it is not permissible under any circumstances.
Do You Think You Can Tell When a Child is Lying?
Learn all about a new technology that analyses facial expressions to detect lies.
Hilarious White Lies Parents Tell Kids
The white lies some of us were told as kids are the source of some hilarious stories.This list contains some of the best ones we came across.
18 Times Kids Were Caught In Hilariously Odd Situations
Kids live by their own rules, and it can result in some bizarre & absolutely hilarious situations, like adopting a brick or going to sleep with a jar of peanuts.
Funny: These Kids' Christmas Letters Will Make You Chuckle!
Kids are known for speaking their mind, and are extremely forthright when it comes to making requests. Here are some funny and cute Santa letters from kids.
Hilarious: American Kids Trying Foreign Breakfasts
When US kids try breakfasts from other countries, things get very funny...and cute!
Psychologist Advice: How to Get Your Child to Be Honest
In this guide, we will explain how to approach topic of honesty with your children at every age.
These Parents Have a Great Sense of Humor...
These parents have the best sense of humor about their daily struggles. So stay awhile and crack some smiles!
Cheeky, Funny, Unapologetic Children - 20 Pics
Here are 20 funny test answers, all written by children who just couldn't be bothered.
These Sarcastic Retro Photos Will Have You in Stitches...
If you're looking for a good laugh, then these snarky vintage illustrations by artist Anne Taitor have certainly got your covered!
25 Hilarious Before-and-After Photos of Parenthood!
Check out this hilarious photo-compilation of parents before and after children.
When Pets and Toddlers Act Silly, We Can’t Help But Laugh!
Who's better at making us smile than pets and kids, especially when they're acting a bit silly?
The Funny, Odd and Wacky Things Kids Say - 20 Quotes
Kids can say the funniest, oddest, or the most unintentionally profound things sometimes. Here are 20 hilarious and wholesome examples from real life.
12 Classic Christmas Stories All Children Will Love
Enjoy the holidays with your kids by reading one of these heartwarming Christmas books to your kid.
Are Gummy Vitamins Good For Kids? Find Out Here
If your child is vitamin-deficient, but refuses to take their vitamin supplements, you might want to try giving them gummy vitamins instead. Learn more here.
Tiny Comedians: The Hilarious Things Kids Say!
Much to the confusion and surprise of their parents, kids can sometimes blurt out the darndest things! Here are 15 of the most hilarious things kids uttered.
These Vintage Cartoons Will Make You Scream With Laughter!
Hilarious! These Kids REALLY Hate Shopping!
While loads of teenagers and adults simply love to shop till they drop, the same can't really be said for most kids, as these hilarious photos prove!
Is This the Cutest Dog Breed Ever? See For Yourself!
One of the most famous dog breeds on the internet is certainly the Shiba Inu. Here are 20 cute photos of this fantastic kind of dog!
Hilarious: Before Being a Parent, and AFTER Being One...
Kids Today Are Becoming Threenagers, and It Isn't Pretty!
Threenagers are full of attitude and sass, and like to be in charge. Is your toddler one of them? Find out here.
Be Aware of the 15 Silent Signs of Childhood Anxiety
When kids are worried or feeling anxious they don't always have the courage to tell anyone, and this can be an absolute nightmare for concerned parents. Here are 15 silent warning signs that your child may be suffering from anxiety.
Give Your Kids a Head Start by Creating a 'Literate Home'
In order to turn your home into a 'literate home' you need nothing but some love, dedication, and a number of inexpensive materials.
Warning: These Children's Toys May Contain Mold!
Much ado is made about mold, but is it really as dangerous as it's made out to be? Find out in this complete guide to preventing mold exposure in kids.
Here's Why Children's Drawings Are So Important for Us All
This informative video explains why children's drawings are so important for their own development, as well as for the advancement of society as a whole.