Is That a Cat or a Fish? 15 Wacky Details in Medieval Art
Medieval artists sure used some weird logic while making their animal artworks.
Immaculately Made Feather-Cut Artworks
Using just a scalpel and natural feathers, Chris Maynard creates hand-crafted feather art.
Art Challenge: Which Famous Artwork Is It?
In this quiz, we're going to put you to the test! We're going to show you famous artworks and ask you to identify them.
This Artwork is Strangely Hypnotizing to Look At
Check out the incredible detail in this hypnotizing work of art.
These Gorgeous Artworks Look Absolutely Delicious!
After seeing these beautiful food carvings, you’ll never look at an apple or watermelon the same way again!
Check Out These Surreal Artists and Their Amazing Artworks
In this post we have brought you a collection of 8 surreal artists, each with their own artistic style and unique imagination
These Deliberately Messy Artworks Are Surprisingly Cool!
The paintings of this Italian artist may seem haphazard or messy at first, but they're surprisingly complex and fascinating!
These Famous Artworks Were Once Considered SCANDALOUS
Throughout history, artists have repeatedly tried to challenge societal norms. And sometimes, they succeeded. Here are 7 of history's most controversial artworks.
12 Artworks by J.M.W. Turner That Are Worth Adoring
Take a look at some of the finest artworks by English painter J.M.W Turner that still look so unique and charming.
You Won't Believe How This Incredible Artwork was Made…
Over 2000 years ago lived a man called Andrew Clemens with an incredible talent to make unique and delicate art.
This Artist Converts Ordinary Stones into Beautiful Artwork
Australian artist Elspeth McLean is a true talent with her mandala stone artwork. Discover how she makes ordinary rocks into objects of beauty.
5 Hyper-Realistic Artworks That Are Ridiculously Good
Just take a look at these amazing hyper realistic drawings. You will find it hard to believe they are just drawings...
These Hyper-Realistic Animal Artworks Are Simply Gorgeous
These hyper-realistic animal drawings by artist Shannon Mayhew are just so gorgeous!
15 Vintage Photos That Will Make You Laugh
These weird and funny vintage photos don't make any sense!
Are These Vintage Kitchen Gadgets Any Good?
Will any of the vintage kitchen gadgets stand the test of time or outperform their contemporary alternatives?
Learn the Curious Details Found in Famous Artworks
You think you know everything about these famous artworks? These details may surprise every art know-it-all & give a new perspective to these artworks
Hilarious! Dad Transforms Kid’s Artworks Into Real Animals
This dad from London transforms his kid's drawings into real animals and objects with the use of Photoshop and the results are hilarious and cute at the same time!
These Amazing Artworks Defy All Logic and It’s Beautiful
Zulkarnain Ismail is a Malaysian digital artist whose artworks are on the verge of realistic photography and fantasy, check out 15 of his best works.
15 Captivating Photos of Impressive Artwork and Designs
We stumbled upon some really unique photos of intentional and accidental art.
These Vintage Cartoons Will Make You Scream With Laughter!
If you're looking for a good laugh, then these snarky vintage illustrations by artist Anne Taitor have certainly got your covered!
These Massive Sand Artworks Only Exist for a Few Hours
Most artists strive to preserve their artworks for centuries. Andres Amador's sand art, on the other hand, only exists for a few hours until the tide engulfs them...
17 Charming Artworks and Famous Paintings of Winslow Homer
In this post, you can take a closer look at some of the best paintings and artworks by noted American painter Winslow Homer.
This Stunning Artwork Shows the Charm of Rustic Italy
These beautiful paintings by Italian painter Eugene de Blaas are as elegant as they come
There is a Mystery Behind These Beautiful Vintage Photos
These vintage photos from 1950s Switzerland and Italy are beautiful and they have a mysterious story behind them
Learn About the Final Artworks of 8 Legendary Artists
Discover the final works of 8 prominent artists, and learn about the curious story behind each of them.