7 Household Items You Could Be Using Wrong
The 7 everyday items on this list are all notoriously misused. Here's how to use them correctly.
They Taught Us Our Multiplication Tables All Wrong!
Most multiplication tables are designed really badly, so hardly anyone can learn from them. Read on to see what a real times table looks like.
Have You Been Using Antiperspirant All Wrong?
Do you apply antiperspirant correctly? Here's an article that will teach you everything about proper antiperspirant application
7 US Place Names Every British Person Pronounces WRONG
There's one aspect of English that's even more infuriating and complex than spelling. That aspect is pronunciation, and this funny post will show you why.
You've Probably Been Using Your Keyboard Wrong...
There's a very specific reason why the F and J keys are raised on your keyboard. Read this guide to find out why computer keyboards are the way they are.
Wrong Job for the Blind!
It's blind training day at the grocery store, and people are told that the 3 blind people will carry their groceries to their car for them...
Comedy Gold: The Wrong Number!
Comedian Jay Larson talks about what he likes to do with wrong numbers...
Naughty Joke: The Wrong Wish
A huge, muscular man with a tiny head walks into a bar and orders a beer.
QUIZ: Find the Wrong Synonym!
Find that false synonym and prove your vocabulary is as strong as ever!
Caught At The Wrong Moment - Hilarious!
A collectino of hilarious photos catching people at their worst, or is it at their best? These genius shots are of mere seconds, and sometimes during, ludicrious events!
Something is Hilariously Wrong With These Images
As you scroll through the photos below, you will immediately feel they are familiar yet something is off...
HILARIOUS: These Menus Are Just WRONG!
These restaurant menu fails made us laugh out loud.
They Figured Wrong - Funny Quotes!
Some may have been brilliant, but few can really see what the future holds. Here are some famous quotes from very smart people who unfortunately did not see the writing on the wall...
When Fireworks Go Wrong - Frightening!
A scary mistake...
Menus and Signs that Are Just All Wrong...
Have you ever opened a menu and had been asked if you'd like a gym shoe with your fries? We hope not, but some people weren't so lucky...
17 Home Renovations Gone EXTREMELY Wrong
These home renovations gone wrong are every homeowner's nightmare. In cases like these, the only thing left to do is laugh...
This Demonstration Went Really Wrong. LOL.
These people just didn't know their own strength!
This is What Happens When Translations Go Wrong...
These examples of translated English didn't quite turn out as intended, with hilarious results!
Joke: The Wrong Meat
Father and son cannibals are traveling through the jungle when they find something (someone) to eat. They soon hatch a plan...
There Is a Right and a Wrong Way to Prep Asparagus
Asparagus is one VERY strange vegetable, but its outlandishness shouldn’t deter you from trying this healthy vegetable.
What Went Wrong Here? These Images are Hilarious!
Sometimes no matter how hard you may try to do a good job, something just goes wrong. Enjoy these construction fails and mistakes.
There is a Wrong Way to Eat Sushi, and a Right Way!
If you enjoy sushi, it’s likely you’ve been eating it the wrong way. Learn from an expert the right way to enjoy it!
15 Common Geography Facts That Are Actually Wrong!
Here are 15 common errors about the world that often leave geography teachers in tears...
Is Calorie-Counting Just a Nutrition Theory Gone Wrong?
We've all been counting calories for decades in hopes to cut down on our waistlines, but it turns our that the calorie system might be wrong
Things We All Get Wrong About the Renaissance
Do you think that the Renaissance ended in the 14th century? Many people do, but in reality, this is just one of those pesky Renaissance myths we dispel here.