This Pool Is the Grand Result of One Man's Tireless Work
The edge of this magnificent infinity pool offers some breathtaking views of the Sonoma Valley. You've got to see it to believe it !
Joke: The Mystery Woman at the Bar
This bachelor goes into a bar and notices a major hottie, always alone, who comes in on a fairly regular basis.
Joke: The Bar and the Truck Accident
A dinosaur, a spider, and a cowboy walk into a bar
Joke: A Monocle Walks Into a Bar...
A monocle walks into a bar....
Joke: A Pleasant Surprise at the Bar
A man walked into a bar after a long day at work. As he began to drink his beer...
Joke: The Best Bar in the World
Three guys are drinking at a bar and talking about their favorite bars.
Joke: The Complete Bar Experience
An angry wife was complaining about her husband spending all his free time in a bar...
This Joke Begins With A Crowded Bar...
Why do octopus have 8 arms? All will be revealed in this slippery joke!
This Joke Starts with a Man Walking into a Bar...
A man enters a bar and orders a beer. To his delight, he's only charged 1c for it. Similarly, steak dinner is only 4c, but there's a reason for the cheapness...
Joke: A Priest Leaves a Bar...
An Irish priest is driving home from a night at his favorite bar...
Classic Comedy: The Airline Pilot at the Bar
Watch Dean Martin, Ken Lane & Foster Brooks in a classic Comedy Routine about a pilot who comes into a bar just before work...
Best Horizontal Bar Performance of the Olympics!
Extremely well deserved gold medal by 'Wonderland' Zonderland, a dutch horizontal bar champion, wouldn't you agree?
This Joke Begins With a Bar and an Irish Man
This man has a beautiful custom when it comes to family and drinking.
Joke: Why Go to the Bar at All?
This is a story about a newlywed couple who had only been married for two weeks. The husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies .
Hilarious: 15 Witty Bar and Restaurant Signs
These bars and restaurants deserve a visit just for their funny signs.
Are These the Most Honest Bars of Soap Ever Made?
Does someone you love smell like they might need a brand new bar of soap for their birthday? Then check out this hilarious range of soap bars!
This Joke Starts With Four Men Talking at a Bar...
Four men are at a bar discussing coincidences - apparently book titled can correspond to birth numbers. It isn't long before the fourth man goes really pale...
Shocking! This is What the Bar Code on Produce Means
What do the stickers on your produce mean? Find out here.
Treat Yourself to These Tasty No-Bake Chocolate Oat Bars
This recipe will teach you how to make delicious no-bake chocolate oat bars.
All the Nitty-Gritty About Solid Shampoo Bars
Get all the nitty-gritty of solid shampoo...
This DIY Shampoo Bar is Easy to Make and Great for Hair
Why harm your hair with toxic chemicals when you can make a natural shampoo bar at home?
21 Bars You Just HAVE to Have a Drink At!
It's great to find a local bar you love, but there are bars around the world that are so unique - you have to go and visit them!
These Rooftop Bars Around the World Have Views to Die For
Rooftop bars are great spots for some rest and relaxation, but the 20 you're about to see offer some of the best views (and drinks) in the world.
How To Make Delicious 3-Ingredient Energy Bars at Home
These energy bars are tasty, nutritional and simple to make. Check out how to make them here.
I Had No Idea that a Bar of Soap Could Be Used Like This!
Here are 6 innovative ways to use a bar of soap.