This Joke Starts With a Teacher Asking a Question
A sixth-grade teacher asks her class an arithmetic question about how an inheritance is split. A clever little boy has the perfect answer...
This Joke Starts With a Little Boy Pulling Faces At School
When a school teacher sees a student pulling faces in the school playground, she thinks on her feet to find the perfect thing to say...
Everyone Should Know This Beautiful Story...
We often face challenges, and often argue that we can't overcome them. The following story will show you that "I can't" has long since died.
Meet 10 Teachers Who Made Our World a Better Place
Without the right teacher, educating children and adults alike would be close to impossible, so here's a list of 10 teachers who changed the world!
Have You Heard This Joke? What One Small Point Can Do
This hilarious joke makes you think about how a little dot can ruin everything.
This Simple Tale Has a Beautiful Lesson to Share With You...
This tale is a beautiful moral teaching on how to attain true peace of mind.
This Teacher Had No Idea What's Happening...
A very clever play by this teacher's students...
Dinner Table Manners - Great Joke! (adult)
During a good manners and etiquette class being held for high-schoolers, , the teacher says to her students:
Child Prodigy: This 12-Year-Old Teaches College Students!
Suborno Bari isn't your average 12-year-old kid. You see, he's the world youngest professor!
How a Principal Inspired Students With a Dance Routine
To make his students do more exercise, a Chinese principal asked them to dance…
Joke: Little Johnny Goes to the Principal's Office
Little Johnny and his classmates get asked what their mothers do for a living. He answers promptly, but his answer gets him swiftly sent to the principal...
Joke: How Much is Five Plus Five?
Tommy isn't very good at math, and things become quite interesting when his teacher calls him out in class!
20 Of The Funniest Spelling Mistakes You've Ever Seen
A compilation of the funniest and weirdest spelling errors and grammar mistakes you will come across.
Joke: The Sunday School Teacher
Going on a date with a Sunday school teacher doesn't sound too promising, but this one has surprises.
Joke: The Tricky Questions...
A little boy has some questions for the teacher...
Teacher Abuses Boy Verbally and Gets Caught on Tape
Kandy Escotto realized that her son, Aaron, was struggling with his self-esteem and grades. Escotto wanted to know why, so she put a recorder in his backpack.
Funny: Johnny's Answer Catches His Teacher By Surprise
This 74-Year-Old Yoga Teacher Will Inspire You All!
It's really impossible not to feel inspired by this 74-year-old yoga teacher.
Hilarious: Why Was This Boy Expelled?
This boy keeps getting in trouble, and both he and his father don't understand why...
Hilarious: She's Got a Problem with Her ABCs!
If we're being perfectly honest, this woman needed to invest more in her own education...
Funny: Al-Gebra's Terrible Plot Against the Homeland
A math teacher gets more than he bargained for when he boards a flight - he's accused of being part of the al-Gebra terrorist network.
When Your Teacher is a Genius with a Piece of Chalk
This Japanese artist is so talented he can create amazing chalk drawings that will only last an hour, just to inspire his beloved students.
This Joke Begins with an Embarrassing Biology School Class
This joke starts with an important school question...
Hilarious! I like My Jokes With a Quick Punchline
These jokes pack the fastest punchlines we've ever seen.
These Teachers Have a Great Sense of Humor.
These photos are hilarious, and I literally burst out laughing at the 5th one.