Use Coconut Oil to Remove Stretch Marks and Get Results!
Did you know that you could use coconut oil to remove stretch marks? Check out this guide.
Got Stretch Marks? Here's What You Can Do About Them
Got stretch marks but not sure what to do about them? Check out this guide.
Keloids, Atrophic Scars and Stretch Marks - a Health Guide
Learn about different kinds of scars and the treatment options for each.
Active Stretching: What It Is and How To Do It
Active stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and mobility. Here's how it differs form other forms of stretching and a few useful examples.
These Quotation Marks Are Sending the WRONG MESSAGE!
These signs have not used quotation marks correctly and the results are hilarious.
Stretch and Strengthen Your TMJ With These Exercises
Strengthen your TMJ by performing these simple but effective jaw exercises at home
The Wit of Mark Twain: Quotes that are Amusing and True
One of the most famous American writers, Twain was known for his wit and darker humor. To this day, his quotes are an inspiration.
The Secret to Flexible Muscles: How Stretching Works
Discover the actual effects of stretching on your muscles and learn ways to enhance your flexibility.
8 Easy and Important Stretches for Everyday
Stretching the muscles is easy to forget but very important. This list contains 8 simple stretches to help improve stiffness and flexibility.
Mark Twain's Tips For a Better Kind of Life...
Mark Twain was not only a talented writer but a man of wise, witty words. Here are 12 of his best quotes.
These Quotation Mark Errors Are TOO FUNNY to Be Ignored!
These funny quotation marks are going to make you laugh all day!
9 Easy Stretches to Reset an Aching Body
Do these 9 easy and quick stretches after a long day of sitting.
Pain May Be Due to Inflexibility! Try These Stretches
Very often, the root cause of everyday aches is a simple case of inflexibility. Here are 4 stretches you could try.
Let Mark Twain's Immortal Words Inspire You
Mark Twain was one of the greatest writers the world has seen, and he had a lot to say outside of his books...
10 Fascinating Facts About Mark Twain’s Life
Without a doubt, there are many things we can admire in Mark Twain & learn from his life. Here are 10 fascinating facts from his biography you likely didn’t know
The Incredible Tape Art of Mark Khaisman
Enjoy these marvelous and incredible creative works of art by a creative and imaginative artist.
Straighten Your Posture With This Easy Stretch Method
Did you know you can remedy bad posture with just a simple little stretch? Here's how. Give it a try: your back will thank you!
Guide: How to Stretch 14 Specific Muscles!
Want to maintain muscle flexibility, reduce pain and improve mobility? The following stretches will tell you exactly what muscle you are stretching.
"Funny" Quotation Mark Fails We Had to Share!
A hilarious collection of the most “unnecessary” quotation marks.
Easy Chair Stretches That Target PAIN Throughout the Body
These beginner-friendly stretches can be done in a chair and are equally simple and effective at relieving pain in different parts of the body
6 Beginner Friendly Morning Stretches That Promote Energy
These simple morning stretches will help you feel more energized during the day, so they're the perfect companion to your morning routine!
14 Times People Hilariously Misused Quotation Marks
A misused quotation mark can send a completely different message than was intended, as you will see in these pictures.
Feel Bloated? Try the Following 6 Simple Stretches...
A feeling of bloating can be very stressful and ruin our mood, but with just 15 minutes of stretching, you can get ride of it completely.
What Can Happen if You Don't Stretch
Learn the possible negative consequences if you don't stretch at all.