Could Squids Be the Ninjas of the Ocean?
Mother Nature has created each of her children carefully which is how the squid protects its careful place in the middle of the food chain.
Did You Know That Squids Can Fly?
We knew squids could grow to a huge size and also that some of them have wings, but did you know that these creatures were also capable of flight?
Deep Sea Discovery: An Egg Bigger Than a Man!
This group of divers didn't understand what they found at first, they only knew it was incredible, and you're about to understand why...
Cutting Fish: Pro Teaches the Best Filleting Techniques
This video may be long, but it teaches you how to fillet many common fish varieties, from salmon, to red snapper, to squid and even sardines!
Transparent Animals Are Rare but They Really Do Exist
To preserve individual species, nature uses some wonderful tricks - like invisibility! Here are a collection of see-through creatures.
Now You See Me... - Fascinating Camouflage Technique!
Amazing Light Sensitive Camouflage...
7 Surprising Animals That Have The Ability To ‘Fly’
Here's a look at some unique and surprising members of the animal kingdom that have developed the ability to fly through the air.
10 Incredible Animal-Inspired Robots
Let's meet some incredibly realistic robotic animals.
Started as an Experiment, Ended up Being a Pet!
That's not a monster in the depths, that's only an octopus! And once you get to know her, you'll see that she's a load of fun. Meet Heidi.
The Most Frightening and Bizarre Creatures of the Ocean
Terrifying and alien creatures of the dark depths of the ocean
These Photos Prove Mother Nature Can Be So Creative!
These photos prove that Mother Nature has a creative side.
WARNING: Toxicity Levels of Fish Rise Rapidly
Certain fish varieties may be unsafe to eat during rising levels of mercury found in their tissues, here's all you need to know
Outrageous Food Flavors That Defy Logic (14 Pics)
These hilarious flavored foods will surprise you.
How Do Animals Communicate with Each Other? Fascinating!
Discover how some animals communicate with one another... fascinating!
These Ocean Species Look Like They're From Another Planet
These ocean species are unlike anything I've ever seen before.
Trivia: Can You Tell Apart These Commonly Confused Animals?
Test your knowledge about animals in this quiz featuring 16 pairs of commonly confused animal species, will you be able to guess each one?
Animal QUIZ: Can You Distinguish a Llama from an Alpaca?
This Guide Will Have You Doing Origami Within a Minute!
Always wanted to try folding paper sculptures? Well now with this easy guide you'll be folding them like a pro.
The Internet Solved the Enigma of these Mysterious Objects
These people were confounded by very mysterious objects they found, so the internet stepped in with the answers.
A Look at Animal Eyes...
As pretty as human eyes are, with their multitudes of different colors, animal eyes are no less interesting, and come with some neat features humans can only dream about!
Why Are Deep Sea Animals SO Big and Strange?
The Deep Sea is our world's final frontier. See the creatures that live in this mysterious part of our planet and learn why they grow to be so big here.
15 Photos That’ll Make You Want to Book a Trip to Japan!
Japan is bursting with breathtakingly beautiful places, making it a definite must-see travel destination. Take a look at some of our favorite picks.
These Amazing Artworks Defy All Logic and It’s Beautiful
Zulkarnain Ismail is a Malaysian digital artist whose artworks are on the verge of realistic photography and fantasy, check out 15 of his best works.
You Won't Believe What These People Found...
These photos showcase some of the strangest and luckiest finds ever.
Imagine Sharing Living Space with These Watery Weirdos!
The ocean is an even greater unknown than outer space, and some of the life forms you find in it are incredibly bizarre. Take a look at these odd sea creatures.