These Otters Love Splashing Around in the Pool
In this wholesome and adorable video, you'll see two otters splashing around and playing in a swimming pool. This video made my day!
How Do Olympic Divers Make SUCH Small Splashes?
How do Olympic divers manage to make the tiniest possible splash? Team USA's head diving coach explains the inner workings of the sport.
How to Have a Fun Day - Baby Elephant Edition
Watch this adorable baby elephant splashing in a swimming pool, playing with a ball, and just running around in the park.
This Innovative, Bright Art Will Utterly Hypnotize You
Watch splashes of brightly colored ink interact with one another in the breathtaking video.
The Prettiest Colorful Indoor Plants to Grow at Home
Need a splash of vivid colors and fresh air in your home? Look no further than these beautiful indoor plants!
A Cat That Loves Surfing? - Unbelievable!
Not all cats hate water and swimming. This Hawaiian cat, for one, doesn't mind splashing around in the ocean and even goes surfing with his humans.
David Hockney: From Oil Painting to Digital Art
Now in 2022, we look at David Hockney's art as it evolved with each decade, always challenging norms. We're analyzing six decades of his artistic career.
Cute Corner: This Dog Is Best Friends With a Wild Dolphin!
"Zyzz and Jojo are best friends," is an ordinary and even boring English sentence until you realize that Zyzz is a dog and Jojo is, in fact, a dolphin.
QUIZ: How Good is Your Color Vision?
How good are you at remember and differentiating between colors? Put your eyes to the test!
The Secret Ingredient For Next-Level Scrambled Eggs
Making the perfect scrambled eggs is not as easy as it sounds. But there is one ingredient that will boost the flavor and take your eggs to the next level...
Ma'am, You Have Bears in the Pool - Funny Animal Video
This family from New Jersey was baffled when a mother bear and her five cubs took over their pool.
5 HUGE Waves You Wouldn't Believe if it Wasn't On Video
These huge waves are probably not the biggest to ever happen, but they're definitely the 5 biggest waves ever caught on video.
CUTE! Golden Retriever Sees the Ocean for the First Time
Watch this adorable clip of a fluffy Golden Retriever visiting the ocean for the first time in his life...
Ollie the Cow Is All About Swimming and Boat Trips!
This pet cow has a very unexpected hobby!
Joke: Who PUSHED Me??
Leroy gets invited to a rich guy's pool party. The host bets his attendees a million dollars for jumping in the pool with a gator. Leroy is happy to oblige...
Why Waste Money? You Can Do All These Cool Things for Free
Why does dating always have to cost you an arm and a leg? With these 30 tips you won't even need to spend a cent to enjoy great evenings out.
Joke: The Priests, the Car and the Warning
Five atheists are driving in a car when they pass a church. Two priests are tending the lawns outside the church.
This 90 Year Old Is Changing an Entire Village Herself!
Read all about the 90-year-old who has made it her mission to paint over as many buildings as possible with intricate floral artwork.
Art on Skin - Special and Beautiful Body Art!
The artist responsible for those masterpieces is Craig Tracy. This art is not new and you may have already seen lots of photos of this kind but we must say those ones are really amazing. This great artist decides what to paint when he sees the model'
This Joke Starts With a Rabbi, Priest and a Minister
A priest is out on a fishing boat when he needs to go to the bathroom. Immediately, he is joined by a minister, and both appear to walk on water...
These Gelatin-Based Air Fresheners Smell Utterly Divine!
These gelatin-based fresheners aren't only toxin-free, they smell completely heavenly too. Read on to see how you can make five different air fresheners.
Azerbaijani Artist Makes New & Unique Traditional Carpets
Faig Ahmed takes the beautiful and classic carpets from Azerbaijani culture and gives them a dash of contemporary creative design.
The Art of Sand: 15 Breathtaking Sculptures
Check out these stunning sand creations by Janel Hawkins.
Joke: The 10 Second Rule
Two friends go skydiving. This is the first solo jump for the both of them. The plane lifts off and the instructor gives them their last instructions:
Working from Home Means Having the CUTEST Colleagues
These pet owners posted their funniest pictures on twitter, capturing their cats and dogs ‘helping’ them work from home.