11 Things You Should NEVER Dump Into the Kitchen Sink
Even a garbage disposal won’t be able to handle these 11 things, so make sure to toss them directly into the trash instead of the kitchen sink
14 Things You Should Never Flush Down the Drain
These 14 things don’t just clog up your pipes, but may even pose an environmental hazard, so you should never flush them down the drain
Incredibly Simple Homemade Rust Cleaner for Your Bathroom
Rust stains on porcelain surfaces can be a real pain, but they're easily removed with material you probably have in your kitchen.
Keep Your Garbage Disposal Clean with This Neat Trick
If your sink's garbage disposal has started to smell, this is how you can eradicate it.
Making a Porcelain Sink Sparkle is As Easy As 1,2,3 and 4!
Porcelain sinks are beautiful, but they can be prone to staining. Luckily, there's a secret product out there that's perfect for making it sparkle once again.
Hahaha! These 3 Parrot Jokes Will Ruffle Your Feathers
Parrots are funny animals. They can talk, they can imitate us, they make weird noises, and they are a lot more intelligent than they look. These 3 parrot jokes will have you choking on your feathers.
22 Sinks Will Make You Want to Wash Your Hands More Often
Invented 300 years ago, the sink has come a-long way! The selection and styles are mind boggling!
Useful Tips to Have Your Dishwasher Run Smoothly For Years
Just 15 minutes of occasional cleaning and maintenance can make sure your dishwasher runs smoothly for years.
You Definitely Should Try These Amazing Cleaning Hacks
If blotches and stains are putting an dampener on how the interior of your home looks, be sure to learn these 20 unusual but super neat hacks.
This DIY Solution Will Leave Your Bath Looking Brand New!
Apply this DIY solution to your bathtub to leave it looking as good as new!
Here's How to Clean Hard-to-Reach Spots In Your Car & Home
It's not nice when you can't get something in your house or car as clean as you want it to be, but as you will see, where there's a will, there's a way...
Easy Tutorial: How to Fix a Running Toilet
In this tutorial, you'll learn, in the most straight-forward and practical way, how to fix a running toilet.
Joke: The Brothel Union
Guess which profession just got unionized...
How To Ward Off the Most Common Summer Pest
In order to prevent unwanted pests in summer - especially cockroaches - consider this one important thing.
Joke: Some People Are Just Never Happy in Life!
Sometimes in life, you just can't get it right in the eyes of people. That's why you really shouldn't try to please everyone...
Turmeric Stains Are Such a Nuisance! Learn to Remove Them
For every problem, there is a solution. Here, we’ll show you how to get rid of turmeric stains from various surfaces - fabrics, furniture, ceramic & even skin.
12 Home Maintenance Mistakes I Wished I Knew Earlier
Care to find out if you’ve fallen prey to some of these home maintenance myths?
Hilarious Bathroom Designs That Missed the Mark by a Mile
Hilarious pictures of bad bathroom designs
Funny: I'm Gonna Ask This Hooker How Many Knots I'm Doing
A retired sailor picks up a prostitute at the docks. They take off to do their business. He asks her how he's doing...
Did You Know That Your Washing Machine Needs Cleaning Too?
Most people never even think about it, but did you know that washing machines need washing too? Here's a quick guide to washing your washing machine.
This Joke Starts With a Chinese Doctor Opening a Clinic
A Chinese doctor has a little difficulty opening a clinic in the US, so he takes matters into his own hands. He comes up with a rather novel business model...
Here's How Often You Should Be Cleaning Home Essentials
We need to clean things in our home regularly in order for us to maintain them and ensure good hygiene. This guide will show you exactly how often you should.
Want to Clean Like a Professional? Here's How...
Have you ever wondered how professional cleaning teams manage to get their work done so quickly and with such spectacular results? Learn their secrets here...
A Generous Lawyer Invites a Family Over For Dinner (Joke)
When a lawyer is going about town in his limo, he spots two men eating grass at the side of the road. He immediately stops to see what on earth is going on...
Hilarious: Why Are All These People Having Relations Outside?
A man is walking along a street when he's startled to find a couples having relations outside a particular house. He knocks on the door to find out what's going on...