The Language Barrier Might Prove Difficult Here (Funny)
A man enters a store in China to buy gifts for his kids. He eyes a CD player, but can't be sure of its quality thanks to the language barrier...
13 Creative Ideas by Grocery Stores to Help Customers
In this post, we have featured some genius grocery stores that impress their customers with their creativity.
Joke: The Blind Shopkeeper
A woman goes into the Bass Pro Shop to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter. A Bass Pro Shop associate is standing there wearing dark shades.
Joke: A Blonde Hunter and an Alligator...
A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana....
Joke: The $5000 Desk
Eric is looking for a new desk for his office and he spots one that looks perfect in an antique shop window. He goes inside and asks the shopkeeper how much it is.
In Need of a Good Laugh? Check Out These Signs
Some shopkeepers have a hilarious sense of humor. Read these funny signs here!
The Pregnant Thief - Weird Hilarious Gag!
In this weird prank, victims are asked to take care of a jewellery store. Then, a fake pregnant woman shows up and uses her false belly to steal some of the jewellery, by sneaking it under her shirt and running off. When the shopkeeper returns, the p
Joke: The Little Girl and the Pet Store Owner
A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp: "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep wittle wabbits?"
The Wordplay in This Classic Comedy Sketch is Hilarious!
Nothing tickles me so much as wordplay. And this is my absolute favorite comedy classic sketch. See what happens when a customer asks for 'four candles.'
Quirky Shop Signs That’ll Leave You Smiling
These shop signs prove that many shopkeepers still have a healthy sense of humor!
These Funny Notes Were Left For Inconsiderate Thieves
Sometimes, people don’t take very kindly to have their stuff stolen…
Just What We All Need Right Now: The Good Moments of 2020!
As we’re nearing the end of a long and sad year, let’s not forget some of the happy moments and kind stories 2020 gave us!
These Photos of 1920s Criminals are Fascinating
Through archival snippets, we uncover tales of deception, ambition, and survival, painting a vivid tableau of a bygone time where lawlessness wove its complex tapestry.
Tiny Mice Get Dream Home Thanks to Kind-Hearted Artist
Wildlife photographer Simon Dell has built an entire village for mouse he saw in his garden.
15 of the Best Books for Seniors and Older Adults
Check out our definitive list of amazing books that every senior will enjoy.
Over 100 Dad Jokes to Make You the Corniest!
Over 100 cringy dad jokes in several categories, including cheesy dad jokes, corny dad jokes, dumb dad jokes, dad jokes for adults, dirty dad jokes and more.
15 Tricks Parents Came Up With We'd Like to Share With You
We found some great advice from parents on Reddit, and decided to share with you the best 15!
16 Adorable Animal Photos That'll Warm You Up Today
You are invited to look at dogs, cats, and other animals that will warm your heart as captured through Guru’s lens.
WATCH: A Young Steve Martin Amuses With His Magic Tricks
Enjoy this memorable clip from the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.
The Faces Of Men Who Regret Coming To The Mall
Here are some of the funniest photos of men who regretted coming to the mall
14 Creative Ways Cities Are Solving Everyday Problems
These are some of the coolest features people have spotted in cities around the world.
Looking for an Instagram Alternative? Try These Platforms
If you’re ready to explore beyond Instagram, here are eight great alternatives.
10 Popular Health Hacks That Do More Harm Than Good
It’s time to stop falling for these fake health hacks!
17 Times Birds Decided to Ruin Someone’s Day for Fun
Take a look at these hilarious photos of birds choosing chaos over peace.
14 Shopping Hacks That Can Change How You Buy Groceries
These practical ideas might just turn your next grocery shopping trip into a breeze.