How to Know If Your Child Has a Swallowing Problem
Does your baby have trouble nursing or feeding? Find out why here!
Don't Ignore These Crucial Signs of Respiratory Disease
Here are 7 of the most common symptoms that can hint at an underlying respiratory or lung disorder.
5 Delicious Teas for Asthma Relief and Respiratory Health
These are the 5 best tea varieties shown scientifically to bring relief to respiratory issues, and asthma symptoms specifically.
What Your Phlegm is Telling You About Your Health
The color of your phlegm can tell you a lot about your underlying health. Find out what different colored phlegm might be indicating about yours.
This Virus is a Cousin of SARS and is Spreading Too Fast!
A new coronavirus, cousin of the SARS virus, which has resulted in the death of 9 people is spreading across the world from Wuhan, China,
8 Secret Herbs the Native Americans Used to Cure
Discover the plants the Native Americans used for curing just about any ailment.
New Study Finds Honey to Be Better For Colds than Drugs
A new study has claimed that honey may be better at treating coughs and colds than over-the-counter medicines. Find out what it's about.
This Is the Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Known to Man
Turmeric golden honey is quite simply the strongest antibiotic known to man. Here's the recipe for this most potent of Mother Nature's medicines.
Suffer from Wheezing? Manage it with These 12 Remedies
Wheezing can be serious.Treat it with these natural remedies.
Warm Water Has Many Health Benefits! Here Are 10 of Them!
A lot of people start off the day with a glass of cold water, but it's better to have a glass of warm water. Here are 10 benefits to drinking warm water.
Grandma's Remedies for Treating Colds and Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion and a runny nose are the most distressing symptoms associated with being sick, but the following remedies and tips will ease these symptoms.
7 Coughs Common in Children and How to Treat Them
Coughing can sometimes be indicative of other problems. Learn more about the 7 types of coughs common in children and how to treat them.
The 7 Coughs Common in Children and How to Treat Them
Bet You Never Knew a Tree Could be So Beneficial to You
Slippery elm, thanks to its mucilage, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties has so many health benefits it's unreal. Check out 10 of these benefits!
These 8 Infusions Are Natural Medicines For Many Problems
If you want to start the morning in a tasty and healthy way, try these wonderful tea infusions that treat many common health problems.
How To Tell If a Mattress Contains Toxic Chemicals
Warning: toxic chemicals may lurking where you least want them - your bed! Find out how to tell whether a mattress contains toxic chemicals in this article.
8 Health Benefits of Stinging Nettles That'll Amaze you
Stinging nettles can be annoying, but they have numerous health benefits. Here are 8 of them.
Have You Heard of the Healing Powers of Bay Leaves?
Bay leaves are not only useful for virtually every Mediterranean dish, they also contain several important health benefits.
The Role of Vitamin D in Preventing or Treating COVID-19
Will taking vitamin D supplements help lower your chances of catching Covid-19? Find out here
This is Why You Should Add Cranberries to Your Diet!
20 reasons you too should start adding these healthy, delicious packets of health to your diet.
Wow! Who Knew Pineapples Were THIS Good For You?
Pineapples really are one of Mother Nature's superfoods. Here are 10 great health benefits of this amazing fruit.
Improve Your Oxygen Levels Naturally With These Tips
Learning how to keep your respiratory system healthy is an important way to combat respiratory infections. Here are several helpful tips!
Warning: These Children's Toys May Contain Mold!
Much ado is made about mold, but is it really as dangerous as it's made out to be? Find out in this complete guide to preventing mold exposure in kids.
10 Health Reasons Why You Should Eat More Limes
Limes can do much more for our skin and overall health than just adding a refreshing zest to a drink, cleansing our body and boosting our immunity.
This Quiz Will Test Your Knowledge of Herbs & Spices
How well do you know the healing properties of herbs and spices? Take this test and find out for yourself!