The Return of James Veitch and His Crusade Against Emails
"You should never open mail that isn't yours", James Veitch warns as he proceeds to open and reply to emails that weren't meant for him!
FUNNY: 12 Hilarious Restaurant Replies to Negative Reviews
These comebacks to bad restaurant reviews will crack you up.
Must See: What Happens When You Reply to Spam Emails
James Veitch gives you some insight into the inner workings of email scam artistry.
Joke: The Widow and the Special Words...
This joke begins with a grieving widow at a funeral, when a few men would like to say a few words... literally.
This Joke Starts with a Man Walking into a Bar...
A man enters a bar and orders a beer. To his delight, he's only charged 1c for it. Similarly, steak dinner is only 4c, but there's a reason for the cheapness...
Joke: A Drink Best Served Cold
Joke: The Special Golf Ball
Two friends went out to play golf and were about to tee off when one fellow noticed that his partner had but one golf ball.
Silly Joke: Stalin and Comrade Sun
This silly joke begins with Stalin getting up in the morning.
A Generous Lawyer Invites a Family Over For Dinner (Joke)
When a lawyer is going about town in his limo, he spots two men eating grass at the side of the road. He immediately stops to see what on earth is going on...
Joke: State of Education
The visiting church school supervisor asks little Johnny during Bible class who broke down the walls of Jericho.
Hilarious: I Don't Have Money to Pay My Medical Bill
When a man suffers a heart attack and wakes up in a Catholic hospital, the questioning by the nun looking after him soon turns to his medical bills...
Joke: A Nauseated Blonde
The blonde wife came home from her first day commuting into the city....
Joke: What To Wear When The IRS Calls You In...
A man has been called in to the IRS to testify, but he's unsure of what to wear for the outcome to be most favorable for him. Read on to find out what happens..
Joke: Grandma and Her Boyfriend
A little girl is asking her single grandmother why she doesn't have a boyfriend, and her grandma replies that her TV is enough. Suddenly, the doorbell rings...
Hilarious: I Never Know What My Brother Will Do Next
When a couple has an accident on the way to hospital in order for the wife to deliver twins, the husband's practical joker brother steps in.
Joke: His One and Only Request...
This brave man had only one favor to ask...
This Joke Begins With a General Visiting an Army Hospital...
This Joke Starts With a Dad & Son Walking Into a Drugstore
A man walks into a drugstore together with his 8-year-old son. They walk past the condom display, and it's only moments before questions are asked...
Hilarious: The Pharmacist is NOT Impressed
After Dad visits the pharmacy and gets some treats for his young son, his boy's actions take an interesting turn on a return trip to the drug store...
Joke: Three Funerals and a Wedding
A woman makes a new friend at the gym, a beautiful woman. A few months later, she gets a wedding invitation. Excited, she asks her friend if this is her first marriage.
This Joke Starts With a Christian Lady On a Business Trip
A Christian business lady is asked why she always carries her Bible with her. She begins to respond...
This Joke Starts With a Man Looking For Answers About Relations
When a young man wants to know whether having relations on the Sabbath is in violation of religious law, he consults a priest followed by a rabbi...
Hilarious Joke: What To Wear When The IRS Calls You In
Joke: A Real Robbery
It was a late one night in Washington D.C, when a well dressed man went out to smoke in an alley behind a bar.
Joke: The Blond, The Policeman and the Pants
One day while on patrol, a police officer pulled over a car for speeding. He went up to the car and asked the driver to roll down her window.