How Could Carvings so Intricate & Tiny Have Been Handmade?
These boxwood carvings are among the most mysterious little wonders in art history. Now, finally, science appears to have explained just how they were made.
Joke: The Cannibals and Their Religious Food
This joke begins with two cannibals sitting around and discussing their religious diet, which includes missionaries...
Joke: The Religious Tennis Match
A bishop and a bishop are having a tennis match....
This Joke Begins With 2 Religious Thieves...
This joke begins with 2 religious thieves...
Religious Literacy Quiz: Can You Pass the Boston Test?
This trivia quiz was given by a professor to his Boston students - most failed it. Do you know your way around the world's religions?
How to Capture the Beauty of These Religious Buildings...
Exploring Iranian mosques, this photographer brings to life the ancient architectural style that is so beautiful about them.
The Most Common Questions About Jewish People, Answered!
We've answered some of the most common questions about Jews and the Jewish traditions.
Stunning Drone Photography of Temples Across Asia
Talented photographer Eleonora Costi traveled through 7 Asian countries and captured stunning shots of the most unique looking temples
Exploring Karnak: The Jewel of Ancient Egypt
Karnak in Egypt is one of the largest religious complexes in the world. Let's take a closer look at this magnificent place.
Joke: Father, I Must Confess My Sins
There once was a religious young woman who went to Confession.
This is What Mother Teresa Had to Say to the World
Mother Teresa dedicated her life to others and she learnt an awful lot throughout her long time on earth. Here are some of her words of wisdom.
This Joke Starts With a Pious Woman Going to Confession
A religious woman goes to confession after a night of intense lovemaking with her boyfriend. The priest's reaction is a rather unusual one...
This Monastery and Its Surroundings Are Very Special...
Let's go visit a place of breathtaking beauty.
These Archaeological Finds Left the World Mystified
Find out more about the most mysterious discoveries that archaeologists made.
The Amazing Color Festival!
Holi is a spring festival celebrated as a festival of colors. It is a Hindu religious festival which has also become popular with people of other communities. Natural colors were used in the past to celebrate Holi safely by applying turmeric, sandalw
Sights to Behold: The Stunning Temples of Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia is a fascinating region of the world, and its religious structures play a big part in giving it its mystique. View its temples in HD here.
14 Stunning Places of Worship From Around the World
In the following series of images, we will introduce you to 14 unique religious and worship sites from around the world.
Kwanzaa in a Nutshell: Learn About This Cultural Holiday
Kwanzaa in a nutshell - a light introduction to this modern non-religious African American holiday.
Where Did the Language of Hebrew Come From?
This video will explain the surprising and fascinating origin of this ancient language.
The Mysterious Ajanta Caves are Full of Wonder...
The mysterious Ajanta Caves are full of incredible history and astonishing sights.
The Most Remarkable Places of Worship on the Planet
Here you’ll find a great range of various places of worship from every corner of the planet, each magnificent and unique in its own right.
This Fun Video Will Teach You All About the Reformation
Find out all about what happened during the Reformation in this light-hearted but well-researched video.
What is Causing the Rise in Extremism? An Answer.
Many people think they know why some Muslims turn to terrorism, but the real answers may surprise you...
What Is the Key to Happiness? Pope Francis Has the Answer!
If you've ever wondered what it takes to live a happy life, then Pope Francis has quite a few answers for you.
Joke: Granny's Day on the Highway
Dear Grand-daughter, The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a 'Honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker.