These Funny Photos Capture the Essence of Cats
No day is boring when cats are involved. These adorable, clever, and somewhat rebellious pets always provide us with hilarious moments.
QUIZ: Are You Rebellious or a Law Maker?
Do you make rules or break them? Do you believe in the following tradition or going your own way?
What Do You Do When Your Pet Becomes a Rebellious Teen?
These pets have perfected the art of protest, and show very clearly exactly what they think of all of our rules and restrictions
Music Box: 16 Unforgettable Hits by THE DOORS!
This playlist captures 16 of the most popular songs by The Doors.
There’s a Side to Michelangelo’s Artwork You’ve Never Seen
Take a look at the work of artist Michelangelo, beyond the Sistine Chapel and the statue of David, and created by him over 70 years.
QUIZ: Do You Recognize These Words?
English Quiz: Can You Define These Words?
Take Our Test: Is This Is How Strangers See You?
Fair or not, first impressions can count for a lot. Therefore it's important you know just how people perceive you. This amazing test can reveal the truth!
20 Heartfelt Moments Depicting the Human Race
20 powerful and moving images from all corners of the globe
QUIZ: What Kind of First Impression Do You Make?
A History of Betrayal and Intrigue for the Crown of England
The War of the Roses tore England apart between 1455 and 1487, but its seeds were planted long before that. This is the story of the terrible boy king who plunged England into dynastic chaos.
Are You a Sensitive Person? Take Our Quiz!
Are you a sensitive person? Are you in tune with your emotions? Answer our questions honestly and find out...
This Amazing Cat Proves How Clever and Capable Felines Are
Contrary to popular belief, cats are trainable. If you still aren’t convinced, it’s time you met Nipa, the talented cat that knows over 50 tricks.
Words of Wisdom From One of the Greatest Scientific Minds!
Freeman Dyson was an outspoken scientist that left the world with only his genius and these philosophical ideas we can all appreciate
Did You Know These Facts About Huckleberry Finn?
Have you read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"? Here are 6 interesting facts about this American Classic
Test Yourself: Just How Sensitive Are You?
We all experience the same feelings, but what can create one emotion in us may create another in others, and that depends on how sensitive we are...
Quiz: Designing a Home Will Reveal Who You Really Are
What’s does home design have to do with your personality? It turns out that it has a lot to do. So if you feel like learning more about yourself take this quiz!
Reading Lessons from Einstein and 5 Other Famous Figures
Reading was one of the reasons why these 6 historical figures are recognized to this day. Here's what they can teach you about becoming a better reader yourself!
The Home Design Personality Test!
What Great American Novel Are You? Take Our Quiz!
Have you ever felt that the ups and downs of your life would make a fascinating novel? Take this quiz and find out which one it is...
Take a look At Jordan’s 10 Most Impressive Sites!
While we're all familiar with Egypt's pyramids, not many know about the gems hidden in another Middle-Eastern country, Jordan...
QUIZ: Which Elemental Spirit Resides Within You?
Which of the 4 elemental spirits is yours? Rock, water, wind or fire?
QUIZ: What is Your Elemental Guardian Spirit?
7 Fairy Tales That Are Popular to This Very Day!
The best fairy tales are those that are timeless and yet forever modern, tapping into our wildly shared emotions and moral attitudes. Here are 7 of the best!
Looking at 8 of Michelangelo's Most Celebrated Sculptures
We have compiled a list of the top 8 most exquisite sculptures by Michelangelo, along with the fascinating stories behind them.
English Vocab History: Few Can Pass This Vocabulary Quiz?
These 14 words have really strayed away from their original meaning, can you guess what words like 'girl' and 'clue' used to mean?