Grow Your Kitchen Scrap Back Into Full Grown Plants!
I have recently discovered that many of the leftover veggies we throw away after cooking can be used to regrow pesticide-free and healthy plants, right in the backyard. Take a look!
Re-Grow These 10 Vegetables - Just Use Water!
It's amazing how much money you can save by re-growing these 10 favorite vegetables! Follow our tips and instructions to learn more about how you can have a constant supply of your favorite greens, without paying an extra penny.
10 Vegetables and Herbs To Buy Once and Re-Grow Forever...
Some parts of vegetables and herbs that you don't normally use and just throw away can actually be used to re-grow themselves time and again. Find out more.
WATCH: Veggies That Can Be Re-Grown At Home with Scraps
Instead of throwing vegetable roots and ends away, hang on to them so you can re-grow your own produce from your very own home. Here's our guide.
Re-purpose Your Old Clay Pots Into Something Special!
Clay pots are rather mundane things if there isn't something quite spectacular growing out of them, but you can use them to make something amazing...
17 Great Ways to Re-Use Those Old Tires!
Why throw things away when we can make new things for ourselves with just a bit of creativity? Here are some great ideas for re-using your old tires.
The EASIEST Plants to Grow in Containers
If you’re wondering which plants work best in container gardens, you’ve come to the right place.
This Is to Remind You of the Glory in Growing Old
When viewed from a different perspective, growing old is a beautiful and highly-dignified thing. If you need a reminder of this, you need to read this post.
As an Artist Grows - Beautiful!
Watching Marc's work from age 2 to age 25, gives you a glimpse into how he progressed as an artist in this remarkable painting series he has put out that shows his work through the ages.
10 of the Fastest-Growing Vegetables
There is a variety of fast-growing vegetables, including legumes, leafy greens, and root vegetables. We feature 10 of the fastest-growing veggies in this article.
These Healthy Vegetables Are Very Easy to Grow In a Pot
If you grow your own vegetables at home, you can both eat healthier and save money. These 10 vegetables don't even need a garden to grow perfectly well.
A Garden Without Soil - the Future of Growing Food
Vertical gardens like this one are the next big innovation in farming. The mind-boggling feature of these gardens is that they are completely free of soil!
Impressive! Watch How These Fungi Grow, It's Extraordinary
Nature is marvelous! Watch how these mushrooms grow in this spectacular time lapse video.
They Start Small & Delicate But Grow Into Stunning Animals
Watch how quickly pandas grow and change in just 100 days
Sprouts: Growing, Recipes, and Nutritional Values
Learn all about growing sprouts at home, their nutritional values, what kinds there are and a recipe.
The 10 Best Countries in the World to Grow Old In
The number of elderly people in the world is increasing with each passing year. Here are the top 10 countries in the world to grow old in!
These Plants Don’t Just Grow In Shade, They Thrive In It!
Not all flowers need lots of sunlight to survive. These 10 beautiful flowers grow without much sunlight and are highly shade-tolerant
There Are Exquisite, Colorful Trees Growing in Japan...
Japan is more than Japanese culture, it is also a land of unspeakable natural beauty as you can see in these beautiful photos of japan's nature.
15 Vegetables You Can Grow in a Garden Pot!
If you would love to grow vegetables, but have a limited amount of space, then we have just the solution for you - vegetables you can grow in a pot.
Why the Ever Growing Demand for Succulents is Dangerous
The popularity of succulents and cacti has a dark side... Learn why this is dangerous and what can be done about it.
The Prettiest Colorful Indoor Plants to Grow at Home
Need a splash of vivid colors and fresh air in your home? Look no further than these beautiful indoor plants!
Grow These Plants to Banish Mosquitoes For Good!
No one likes mosquitoes, but if you're smart, you can prevent them from bothering you by having these plants in your home.
You Must Know These Tips for Growing Healthy Plants
With these key tips, even complete beginners will be able to grow healthy and beautiful plants at home!
Is This 10-Year-Old Frank Sinatra Re-Incarnate?
This boy was born blind, but sings like a certain famous singer.
How Norway Re-invented Prisons to be More Humane
Norway’s humane approach to inmates is expressed through the way the prison itself is designed. Take a look inside this unusual prison.