The Power of Nature's Fury Captured in Poignant Photos
These images are a poignant reminder of the resilience and courage that defines us as humans.
78-Year-Old Ate Cookie Dough Weekly, She Nearly Died
In yet another shocking case study, an emergency room doctor describes the real medical case of a woman who got into the ER after eating raw cookie dough.
Eating These 9 Common Foods Raw Is Extremely Dangerous
These 9 common foods are fine and even nutritious when cooked, but eating them raw can be toxic or otherwise dangerous for your wellbeing
These 10 Vegetables Become Even Healthier When COOKED
The amount of nutrients peaks when you cook certain vegetables right. All 10 of the veggies on this list will only benefit from a little heat
Warning! Washing Chicken Does More Harm Than Good
Do you normally wash chicken before cooking? If so, you should probably stop, and this is why...
Feast Your Eyes on These Incredible Decorative Cakes!
Juliana Tar, a German confectioner, makes stunning raw vegan cakes, unlike anything you've ever seen! Check them out here.
The Incredible Things a Raw Potato Can Do for Your Body
Here are 10 health issues that can be remedied with only a raw potato.
Why You Should Avoid Boiling Corn On the Cob
Corn on the cob is super versatile. You could steam it, grill it, or bake it. But one popular cooking method is best avoided - boiling. Learn why in this video.
Be Sure to Read This if You're Planning a Cookout Soon!
Most people love a good cookout, but that doesn't mean that mistakes don't get made when grilling. Here are 12 common grilling mistakes that everyone makes.
Grill a Flawless Chicken Every time With These Tips
A full troubleshooting guide for your next grilled chicken. No more frustration, but a lot of preparation!
This Collection of Baking Charts is a Terrific Resource
Baking doesn't have to be difficult or complicated - all you need to do is follow the 8 fantastic charts that we've compiled in this post.
Bet You Never Knew How Beneficial These Foods Are
Include these 12 foods in your diet to reduce the effects of arthritis - they have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system.
Keep Your Eyes Young With These 5 Important Nutrients
Having the right diet can go a long way to helping your eyes cope with age-related deterioration. Here are 5 vital vitamins you need, and where to find them.
The Biggest Mistakes of Cooking a Burger
Cooking burgers is the easiest thing, right? Well, there a few common mistakes people still make quite often.
6 Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Barbecue
A few common mistakes to avoid if you want to get that perfect flavorful home barbecue.
6 Cuts of Meat to Stay Away From
While this often comes down to personal taste, there are a few cuts that are generally worth skipping - find out which ones and why.
Learn the Truth About 5 Popular Health Food Trends
Watch this video to learn some revealing truths about a few popular health food trends.
This Doctor Tried the Keto Diet and This is What He Thinks
Curious to try the KETO Diet? Listen to what a doctor has to say first.
These Baking Charts Will Make Baking Easier & More Fun
WARNING: Learn About a US FDA-issued Ham & Beef Recall
The US Food and Drug Administration has issued two separate recalls for different kinds of meat products. Find out more to stay safe here.
Avoid These Ingredients If You Love Your Mental Health...
Here are some of the worst kinds of food that you can eat if you care about your cognitive health.
Are You Giving Your Body Enough Nutrition? Find Out Here
In order to live a long and healthy life, you'll need to take care of your body and mind by paying attention to your eating and drinking habits...
After Reading This, You'll Never Buy Expensive Meat Again!
Do you know what the major difference between a cheap and an expensive cut of meat is? Here are 5 effective methods of making tough cuts of meat taste absolutely heavenly!
This Essential Vitamin May Be The Cure to Several Diseases
This powerful nutrient plays an essential role in many aspects of health.
5 Nutrients You Need to Help Your Eyes Stay Young