Joke: The Element of 'Administratium'
Investigators at a major research institute have discovered the heaviest element known to science...
From Macro to Micro - The Other Side of The Universe
You may look up to the stars and contemplate the size of the universe, but there is a whole other universe within...
Taking These Drugs Increases Your Chances Of Stroke!
Antacid drugs have been used for many years, but new research has found a link between taking them and an increased risk of stroke.
WARNING: This Common Heartburn Drug May be Deadly!
Omeprazole is one of the most common heartburn drugs, but according to a recent study it may be harmful..... ...
Scientists Develop Wrap That Determines if Food is Spoiled
Scientists at MIT have developed a biodegradable plastic-like wrap that changes color when food goes bad. Find out more…
Heartburn & Indigestion Meds Shown To Increase Stroke Risk
An observational study concluded that very common over-the-counter heartburn and indigestion medications could increase people's susceptibility to strokes.
Warning! Heartburn Medication Increases the Risk of Death
Common over-the-counter and prescription drugs used to treat heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcers can do more harm than good.
These Surprising Things Raise Your Risk of Dementia
If you want to reduce your risk of dementia, here are three things you should be weary of.
9 of the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries About the Universe!
The universe has been around for close to 14 billion years, but it still holds many mysteries that continue to perplex scientists. Here's 9 of them!
Purify the Air in Your Home with a Himalayan Salt Lamp
Himalayan salt lamps are all the rage, and apparently with good reason - they offer numerous health benefits, as well as purifying the air in your home.
Do You Have a Bad Cough? Here's What Might be Causing it!
By paying attention to your cough, you can often identify the cause. Here are seven common reasons for a cough and what you can do about them.
The Car, the Star: 12 Famous Cars From Movies and TV
There were many famous cars in movies and TV over the years, but some stand out above all the others. Here are the 12 most famous ever to grace our screens.
7 Incredible Animal Senses That Humans Would Love To Have
Some animals have the most unusual and remarkable abilities that help them survive. Here is a look at a few of the most notable cases...
Science Lesson: 10 Fiery Facts About the Sun You Must Know
Learn some fascinating and little-known facts about the Sun in this article.
What Will the Universe Look Like in 10 Quintillion Years?
These questions take us beyond science into the realm of imagination, as we contemplate the ultimate fate of our Universe and everything within it.
The Fascinating Story of How Brazil Became a Country
In this video, we’ll explore the key events, influential figures, and socio-political dynamics that shaped Brazil into the vibrant nation we know today.
A Simple Workout for Joint Pain and Cardiovascular Health
If you aren't as mobile as you used to be, this video is for you.
Studies Show: How Work Can Shorten Our Lifespan
You are invited to learn about these studies and discover how many working hours could actually endanger your life.
Ever Wondered What Animals Think? Check Out These Comics
Enjoy a hearty dose of laughter with these hilarious animal comics by Jimmy Craig.
In Pictures – Smithsonian Magazine’s Award Winners
Check out the outstanding nature and drone winners from Smithsonian Magazine’s Awards.
8 Finnish Hacks For Finding Joy in Everyday Life
Finland is the happiest country in the world. Here's what we can learn from them…
A Herbal Soup to Clear Congestion and Support Lung Health
This traditional Chinese soup offers natural comfort and relief.
10 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Ready-Made Fortnite Account Instead of Developing It Yourself
In this guide, we will analyze 10 good reasons why you should just buy a Fortnite account instead of wasting your time and resources, and immediately enjoy the gameplay.
Learn the Best Sleeping Position to Relieve Neck Pain
aking up with neck pain? Your sleeping position might be to blame!
Science: Can AI Preserve Our Most Precious Memories?
Technologist Pau Aleikum Garcia talks about synthetic memories.