This Skyscraper in Brooklyn Is Pretty Special!
Until not so long ago, all skyscrapers in New York City were built in Manhattan. But there's a new project under construction in Brooklyn & it's pretty special.
Joke: The Mystery Woman at the Bar
This bachelor goes into a bar and notices a major hottie, always alone, who comes in on a fairly regular basis.
Your Woman Translator - The Manslator!
Introducing the Maslator, cutting-edge technology at your fingertips that will translate from what your woman is saying to what she actually means!
This Place is Too Pretty Not to Visit...
This video explores the beauty of Korcula in Croatia, an old town with gorgeous views.
Life From Above is Pretty Beautiful!
From above, many patterns can be seen, giving us new insights into common situations.
Amazing Performance: The Levitating Woman!
Stevie Pink amazes the crowd of reality show 'Britain's Got Talent' as his assistant simply.. floats, without any indication that she is being held up by anything! An amazing sight to see, and beautifully performed!
Be Prepared! These Facts About the World Are Pretty Scary
These facts are incredibly fascinating... but they've got an element of spookiness to them too!
Joke: A Woman Sits at a Fine Restaurant...
A pretty young lady is sitting at a restaurant table waiting for her date to arrive. She soon finds out that having a big lunch that day wasn't a good idea...
These Lazy Fixes May Not Be Pretty, But They Work!
These lazy fixes will make you laugh and cry out, “There must be a better way to do this!”
Joke: The Woman of Choice
The life experience of this man with women is quite an ordeal, and so our joke begins with his first dating experience, at age 16...
Joke: A Woman of Good Reason
A farmer took his truck in for repairs. The local mechanic's couldn't do it while he waited: so, as he didn't live far, he said he would just walk home.
Always A Woman To Me...
This may have started as a commercial, but despite it, the end result is one of the most tender and beautiful videos we've seen all year.
Joke: Every Woman's Wish...
Cinderella was now 75 years old. After a fulfilling life with the now passed-away Prince...
Robotic Exoskeletons Are Here, and They're Pretty Cool!
This military leg brace makes jumping from heights and carrying heavy loads long-distance a breeze! See it in action...
This Hand-Painted Japanese Candy Is TOO Pretty to Eat
This Japanese street stall sells the most beautiful candy we've ever seen!
Some People's Idea of a Space is Pretty Loose...
Some Truly Bizarre Transporting.
The Hypnotizing Woman - Funny Prank!
!A funny prank video
Joke: A Woman's Clever Answer
This woman just thought of the perfect answer to this cop's accusation.
This Joke Starts With a Pious Woman Going to Confession
A religious woman goes to confession after a night of intense lovemaking with her boyfriend. The priest's reaction is a rather unusual one...
This 'Micro-Apartment' is Pretty Ingenious!
This 24 square meter (258 feet) tiny apartment is just FULL of surprises.
Back On Board - One Woman's Inspiring Story
This is the inspiring story of Pascale, a woman left paralysed following a freak accident. She didn't let her disabilities hold her back from her dream of surfing waves!
Hilarious Joke: A Woman's Smart Answer
This Joke Starts With a Woman Joining a Country Club
A woman joins a country-club and sets out to play with the guys at 6.30am. She immediately impresses them with her golfing prowess...
A Lonely Goose Asked For This Woman's Help...
Who knew geese were so friendly and intelligent?! The friendship story between Honk, the goose, and Cheryl, the woman who saved him, is so heartwarming!
West Canada is Wild, Strong and Ever So Pretty
The wilds of West Canada are some of the most jaw dropping natural scenes in all the world we live on.