A True Work of Art and Ingenuity!
Among the most valuable and important works of art remaining in private hands, the value and ingenuity of these pistols are beyond description and must be seen and heard to be truly appreciated. This is a sure example of the level of dedication
What Kind of Strange, Exotic Weapons Are These?
Rare, Antique and Special Tools of War
Joke: Which Way Would You Like to Die?
This joke starts with a Brit, a Frenchman and a New Yorker about to die.
Better Together: Animals Who Collaborate in the Wild
These pairs of animals of different species have amazing ways of helping each other in the wild.
A Dangerous Weapon - Fascinating!
Katra is the name of a special dagger found in India. This is an 'Indian punch dagger', that unlike a sword is not swung, and unlike a knife is not slashed, but was meant for stabbing duels.
Have You Heard This One? You Swindled the Wrong Guy...
This accountant picked the wrong guy to swindle...
These Rare Artifacts Are Bound to Take Your Breath Away...
Get ready to check out some of the most beautiful ancient artifacts that have ever been discovered!
8 Historical Coincidences That are Too Bizarre to Be Fake
Throughout history, there were many events that could only occur due to incredible coincidences. Here are 8 of history weirdest coincidences, these stories sound stranger than fiction.
14 Fascinating Stories Told in Amazing Photos...
14 interesting photos that tell a different story
These Fascinating Photos Show Us a World Full of Wonder
This is photography at its best - when it's also so interesting.
MUSIC BOX: These Songs Influenced Entire Generations...
Some songs just tend to stick in the collective consciousness and influence a generation, changing the world forever. Here are 10 of the most influential.
When Animals Cooperate: 10 Incredible Examples!
Discover how certain animal species help others in a way that makes you appreciate the beauty of nature more than ever.
These Vintage Olympic Photos are PURE GOLD
These vintage photos show just how much the Olympics have changed.
History Really Starts to Come Alive When You Add Color
If you love history then you'd better hold onto your hat. Discover a collection of 20 colorized historical photos alongside the original monochrome photos for reference
16 Cool Specialized Tools You Didn’t Even Know Existed
Let’s take a look at some unusual yet helpful tools that are designed for oddly specific purposes.
10 Ancient Artifacts That You Won't See In History Books
Some human creations have survive for centuries and tell fascinating stories. Let's take a look at a few little-known ones.
11 Incredible Animals with Even More Incredible Abilities!
Forget imaginary superheros and science fiction! These real animals have their own super powers and abilities such as camouflage, immortality and more!
Joke: The Poem of the Three Little Pigs
The animal I really dig, Above all others is the pig. Pigs are noble. Pigs are clever, Pigs are courteous. However, Now and then, to break this rule, One meets a pig who is a fool.
9 Exercises That Strengthen Your Legs and Lower Body
Our legs have no substitute and we have to keep them strong and active - these 9 simple exercises will keep them fit and in shape!
They Have Some Beautiful Items at the Metropolitan Museum...
These stunning pictures come to you straight out of one of the world's leading museums!
History is Full of Strong and Brave Women...
33 photos of the bravest and strongest women in history who changed the world and made it better. These women all had to fight for what they achieved, and some suffered for it as well.
Did You Know this Strange Facts About These Famous People?
A list of eccentric figures of history and fame.
Strengthen Your Legs and Lower Body with 9 Simple Exercises
Shocking! These Are the Rules That Pirates Had to Obey!
Pirates are often imagined as living a life of adventure, free from the shackles of society. However, they did have rules of their own, and here are 10 of them.
Up Close and Personal With Nature: 17 Award-Winning Photos
Here are some of the amazing winners of the Close-Up Photographer of the Year 2023 awards.