Exploring 5 of the Most Famous Pilots in History
The fascinating stories of men and women who dared to explore flight when it was still a young technology.
Joke: A Tale of Two Pilots
An Airbus 380 is on its way across the Atlantic. It flies consistently at 800 km/h in 30,000 feet, when suddenly a Eurofighter with Tempo Mach 2 appears.
This Pilot Loves Nothing Better Than Flying with Birds!
Birds of a feather flock together, and these birds are no exception as they take to the skies with a microlight pilot that they believe to be their mother.
Classic Comedy: The Airline Pilot at the Bar
Watch Dean Martin, Ken Lane & Foster Brooks in a classic Comedy Routine about a pilot who comes into a bar just before work...
These Are Celestial Visions 747 Pilots See Everyday
This is the incredible cock-pit view of the world you've always wanted to see.
The World’s Ethereal Beauty Captured by an Airline Pilot
Marvel at these stunning images from around the world taken by a British pilot on his work trips.
The Red Baron, the Famous and Deadly WWI German Pilot
The story of the Red Baron, a celebrated pilot of WWI and a legendary fighter.
Pilot Explains How Anyone Can Land a Plane in an Emergency
An airline pilot explains whether it’s possible for an ordinary passenger to land a plane during an emergency.
10 Helicopter Stunt Pilots Who Really Know Their Game
10 of the wildest, yet incredibly skilled, helicopter pilots are going to show you their best.
This Pilot Took a Trip Over Area 51 and Here's What He Saw
Private and commercial pilot Gabriel Zeifman takes us on a flight over Area 51 with these stunning photographs of the mysterious base
A Lesson in Humility - Funny!
A funny joke with a lesson besides
Joke: Please, Please, Do Me This Favor
It was late afternoon when Air Force spotted a Cessna airplane landing right at area 51...
Captain, There's a Blonde Haired Problem in 1st-Class!
How on Earth are they going to convince this blonde she is not welcome in first-class without the right ticket?
I Told You Not to Shoot More Than One Moose (Funny Joke)
Two moose hunters take a plane to a remote lake in Canada. The pilot warns them not to shoot more than one moose due to payload capacity...
Joke: Don't Panic!!!
When a pilot has a heart attack mid-flight, he and his co-pilot aim for LaGuardia airport, but the landing doesn't look like it will go to plan...
This Joke Starts With a Mid-Air Heart Attack
A Great Joke: Joke: The Rough Landing!
This joke begins with a new flight crew attempting a landing.
Best Duct Tape Story Ever
Never Leave Home Without A Duct Tape! Have A Look At This Amazing Story!!
Joke: This Blonde Shall Not Move!
A beautiful young model boarded a plane to New York with a ticket for the economy section. She looked at the seats in economy, and then looked into the forward cabin at the luxurious first-class seats.
A Little Lesson In Humility Goes a Long Way...
A C-130 was lumbering along when a cocky F-16 flashed by...
This Joke Starts With An Airplane Flying Over Yellowstone
This joke is the story of a mid-air mix-up that'll leave you in stitches with laughter...
You See the Whole Wide World from This Wonderful Window
So this is why pilots love to fly! You won't believe how amazing the world looks from the cockpit.
Have Your Heard This One? The Price of a Discount
This couple wanted to go on a fun ride...
There’s Much More to Turbulence Than You Thought
It turns out there’s a LOT you didn’t know about turbulence. This pilot explains everything we need to know about it.
How Awesome Is Our Planet? - 14 Stunning Aerial Shots
Meet Santiago Borja, a professional pilot who captures some breathtaking aerial photos.