Are Sulfates in Shampoo and Skincare Products Dangerous?
You may have heard that shampoos containing sulfates are dangerous, but is it actually true? And what are sulfates anyway?
Why You Shouldn’t Keep a Bar Soap for More Than 2 Years
The following 10 personal hygiene products all expire sooner than you’d think and you must replace them regularly
Whoever Designed These Items Truly Cared About People
Here are 17 ingenious things that illustrate the fascinating yet useful creations that people come up with.
How to Take Care of Yourself While Caring for Others
This article explores practical tips and strategies to help caregivers maintain their health and find balance.
INTERACTIVE: How Personal Items Have Changed Over Time
Some of you will be old enough to remember what many of today's objects used to look like. Here are 20 such objects. Click to see them as they used to be.
Everyday Items Too Expensive To Use!
Here are the world's most expensive everyday items like golden toilet paper and $800 beer!
Warning! It Can Be Illegal to Dump These 8 Items
These 8 items should never be dumped in the trash, as it can be hazardous or even illegal!
The Precious World of Jewelry: Art, Care and Tips
Admire a world of jewelry, from the most creative, to the most valuable and the most expensive, learning a few handy tips in the meantime...
11 Useful Vintage and Antique Items That Resist Time
11 vintage and antique items that were bought once and continue to serve numerous generations...
Quiz: How Warm a Person Are You?
Does your color predilection to determine the temperature of your personality?
Personality Test: Your Personality IQ!
It's absolutely clear that our personality has an impact on our intelligence type, which is exactly what this test will help you check ...
These Animals Don't Care and the Results Are Hilarious
Animals, like humans, as these photos prove, also have days where they just couldn't care less. These funny photos will definitely brighten your day.
19 Household Items You Need to Change Now
It's high time you change these household items.
PERSONALITY QUIZ: What Kind of Person Are You? A or B?
There are two types of people: 'A's and 'B's. One are fast paced go-getters, the other are laid-back and cool. Which are you. This quiz will tell you!
Collection: 12 Full Guides to Pet Care!
What can't we feed them? How do we know they're sick? What does their behavior mean? All this and more you'll find in these guides.
12 Vintage Items of the Past Found by Chance
There is a certain kind of fascination in seeing ordinary items of the past, especially when you come by them by complete chance...
The Home Design Personality Test!
What’s does home design have to do with your personality? It turns out that it has a lot to do. So if you feel like learning more about yourself take this quiz!
8 Seemingly Harmless Items Dangerous for Children
There are a number of products that have been proven to increase the incidence of childhood injuries, and in some more dangerous cases, fatalities. Take care of these 8 items around the house if you have kids.
Quiz: Am I a Nice Person?
This little quiz uses free association to discover what kind of niceness you really display. Care to find out how nice you really are?
Warning: Do NOT Throw These Household Items In the Garbage
Sometimes gtting rid of some household items is overdue, but it's important to know the right way to dispose of the ones that may hold some risks.
These 8 Beauty Items Are Useless and Not Worth Your Money
The average American woman uses 16 beauty products daily. But most of these are a waste of money. Take a look.
Ideas For Effortless Landscaping and Lawn Care
Is a low-maintenance yard even possible? Certainly, if you follow these tips.
10 Items You Shouldn't be Buying in Bulk
Who doesn’t love a sale or to save some money? Buying in bulk can save you lots of money but some items should not be bought this way.
Be Careful Outdoors If You’re Taking These Medications
Some medications can make you more sensitive to the sun and hot temperatures, learn which ones can and how to stay safe and healthy this summer.
How Robots Are Revolutionizing COVID-19 Care
One of the ways medicine may soon become even more tech-savvy is through the introduction of humanoid robots, and it's already starting to happen