The Real Reason You Pee More in the Winter Months
Do you find yourself rushing to the bathroom more often during winter? There's a reason for it.
I Usually Wake Up 3 A.M. to Pee. What's The Reason?
Do you find yourself waking up at around 3 a.m. every other night to pee? There’s a reason for it.
Why Has It Gone Hard? (Hilarious Joke)
Two boys are playing by a stream when they see a naked woman. One of the boys quickly runs off.
Joke: Similar Problems...
What a coincidence!
Joke: To Heaven and Back
A woman suffers a heart attack and ends up in hospital. She has a near-death experience, but awakens. She decides to get some work done...
Joke: The Resemblance is Uncanny...
When a pastor is mistaken for a country singer while doing his rounds, he's quite taken aback, however he soon gets used to his new-found fame...
Joke: Two Women Hit It Off In Arizona
A wise woman gets a lift from a younger woman while walking out in the Arizona desert. It isn't long before they get talking...
Joke: A Single Mother of 8
A magazine journalist is over at a mom-of-eight's house conducting an interview. Apparently, she has a novel way of calling for them...
This Joke Starts With a Woman Joining a Country Club
A woman joins a country-club and sets out to play with the guys at 6.30am. She immediately impresses them with her golfing prowess...
Hilarious: But Dad, I Have No Idea What to Do With Her
A newlywed couple are about to consummate their marriage as they're expected to, but neither of them have any idea what they're doing...
This Joke Starts With an Elderly Couple At a Travel Agency
Two elderly people are spotted by a travel agent at his agency's window. He promptly invites them in and discusses sending them on a dream vacation...
This Joke Starts With a Man On His Deathbed
A man lies on his deathbed, surrounded by his wife and four children. Three are tall and athletic, but the fourth... isn't. He asks his wife about them...
This Joke Starts With a Middle-aged Lady Going to Hospital
This Joke Starts With a Christian Lady On a Business Trip
A Christian business lady is asked why she always carries her Bible with her. She begins to respond...
This Joke Starts With a 6th Grade Human Anatomy Lesson
A teacher is asking her sixth-graders about the part of the human anatomy that enlarges itself by 10 times when stimulated. Little Mary chimes in...
This Joke Starts With a Man Working Late
A businessman works late to be with his young secretary, but eventually makes his way home. He begins to think up his excuses...
Receptionist, You Must Come Quickly (Hilarious Joke)
A receptionist is alerted to the presence of a man outside the window of an old lady who's staying at the hotel. She goes to investigate the problem...
How Much is My Bill Again!? (Hilarious Joke)
A woman takes her motionless dog to the vet, only for him to confirm that he is in fact dead. He employs a special method just to make sure...
I Wonder Why the Elderly Lady Didn't Raise Her Hand (Joke)
During a Sunday sermon, a preacher speaks about forgiving one's enemies in life. During a show of hands, a little old lady fails to raise hers...
This Lovely Lady Has a Message For the Manager (Hilarious)
A rather attractive woman leaves the ladies' room in a bar, and has a message for the manager. She turns her attentions to the barman to get it across...
Who Knew That Coffee Could Cause Arguments? (Funny Joke)
A husband and wife are having an argument over who should brew the coffee. Little does the husband know that his wife already has the argument won...
Hilarious: Excuse Me, Can I Borrow Your Blanket Please?
A man and a woman are both in a sleeping carriage on a train, but the man is feeling cold and decides to ask for a blanket. He isn't prepared for the response..
Two Nerds Meet On Campus (Hilarious Joke)
When a nerdy student meets a fellow nerdy student on campus, he notices that he's turned up on a shiny new racing bike. He soon becomes curious...
Hilarious: Nah Son, We Shouldn't Eat That One
Father and son cannibals are traveling through the jungle when they find something (someone) to eat. They soon hatch a plan...
This Joke Starts With a Woman Playing Bridge With Friends
Fay, a busy housewife, enjoys playing a game of bridge with her female friends, but they'r sick of her lewd jokes. They decide to offer her an ultimatum...