Paul Allen's Collection of WWII Planes Is Staggering!
This amazing group of planes was amassed by billionaire Paul Allen. These incredibly rare WWII fighters can be enjoyed by the general public. Take a look.
This is Why Paul Cézanne is Named the Father of Modern Art
Paul Cézanne was a French artist with a unique post-impressionist style who greatly influenced modern art and famous artists like Picasso
Discover the Art of Paul Signac, the Father of Pointillism
Let’s examine the life and career of an underrated Post-Impressionist artist Paul Signac and his stunning, vibrant paintings.
With Paul Simon, Song After Song After Song Is Beautiful
After leaving Simon and Garfunkel, Paul Simon set upon a career of brilliant solo music. Here are 24 of his best records to date!
Paul Gauguin's Art: What Hides Behind These Paintings?
He was an inspiration and an innovative artist. Today we will review 10 of Paul Gauguin's most influential works.
QUIZ: Are You Paul, John, George or Ringo?
Which of these 4 personalities are YOU most like? Take our test...
15 Captivating Celebrity Pics from a Bygone Time
These vintage snaps of celebrities back in the day will make you feel nostalgic.
Twins From Two Different Mothers? Can This Happen??
In a bizarre case, a surrogate mother has twins only to find out that she is the biological mother of one of them...
This Seductive and Seamless Salsa Routine Is Jaw-Dropping
Katee Shean and Joshua Allen are incredibly-talented salsa dancers. Watch what they can do in this truly jaw-dropping salsa routine.
Funniest Entries from the Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2021
Need a good dose of laughter? Check out some of funniest entries from the Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2021 so far.
A Thanksgiving Poem to Set the Family in the Right Mood
Welcome the Thanksgiving holiday spirits with this graceful poem by Edgar Allen Guest.
Hilarious Stand Up: Why Teens Are God's Revenge
A hilarious stand up by comedian veteran Jeff Allen, all about teens and why they are God's revenge.
20 Previously Unseen 20th-Century Celebrity Portraits
Enjoy this beautiful collection of unseen 20th-century celebrity portraits by the famous American photographer Philippe Halsman.
Incredible Paper Statues that Jump Off the Page
Paper is a common art material, and we've seen our fair share of paper art, but these statues, created by Allen and Patty Eckman, is something above and beyond.
When Art Meets Books, We All Win.
Books Turned Into Exceptional Sculptures
I Can't Believe These Huge Companies Were Born in Garages
These businesses prove that success is less to do with the amount of money invested, and more to do with ideas, courage, and dedication.
These Stunning Pictures, Believe It Or Not, Are Hand Drawn
These pictures, despite looking like they have been captured with a camera, are actually all drawn by hand. Totally amazing.
Making New Friends In Antarctica - Amazing Tale!
Paul Nicklen, describes his most amazing experience as a National Geographic photographer (our dream job) - coming face-to-face with one of Antarctica's most vicious predator and befriending it. Now Paul may be an amazing photographer, but apparently
Collection: The Airplanes That Conquered the Skies
Before you are 10 posts that will each take you to a world of airplanes, so you get a wide range of fascinating planes to learn about!
If You Love The Beatles... You Need To Watch This!
Watch Paul McCartney sing along to some of his well-known songs in this carpool Karaoke.
Black and White Photos You Say? Take a Closer Look...
Take a look at Paul Lung's accurate depiction of cats and people in this truly fascinating collection:
Look Who's Talking! - Hilarious!
Paul Zerdin is a very talented ventriloquist who's found a new twist to the old genre, and a hilarious one at that!
This Man's Creativity Has Set Him Free...
An amazing story of a man who has found a beautiful way to free his mind and make contact.
Hilarious: A Minor Dating Inconvenience
A man gets overtly hot and bothered every time he sees a new female colleague at work. He thinks of a way to overcome the problem. Find out if he succeeds...
After a Decade, This Blind Man Got to See His Wife Again
After being blind for a decade, this man underwent a new procedure that allowed him to see the people around him again. His reaction is priceless.