The Recycled Orchestra - Music is Everywhere
Proof that music is a crucial part of life!
12 of the Most Unusual Border Crossings in the World
Borders are usually thought of as boring, dreary places, but that thinking definitely doesn't apply to these highly unusual border crossings around the world.
The Most Beautiful Places Time Has Forgotten...
These gorgeous places are surprisingly abandoned, which makes them even more mysterious and beautiful.
These Feats of Engineering Will Leave You Speechless
The world is already full of amazing structures that leave us in awe, but as the following recent projects show, we always want something bigger and better!
These Extreme Engineering Projects Will Leave You in Awe
10 Practices of Happiness from Around the World
Learn the secrets of happiness from these countries.
21 of the Most Fascinating International Borders in the World
Some countries have no borders, others have many, and sometimes the differences between both sides are astounding
Different Stories Told Through Different Sets of Eyes...
30 exquisite portrait photos from different cultures around the world.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Healthy Tropical Fruits
Learn about eight easy-to-come-by tropical fruit that are both delicious and oh-so-healthy for you!
Trivia Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Brazil?
How much do you know about one of the biggest, most diverse countries in the world? Brazil is home to some incredible sights and people. Can you ace our quiz?
16 Striking Bat Portraits That Prove They're So Special
Check out these beautiful bat portraits by Dr. Merlin Tuttle.
50 Fascinating International Borders From Around the World
It's fascinating to see what kind of borders there are between countries. Some just take a step, others would take an armed tank...
These Serpents are Stunning, but Have a Deadly Bite...
In all the fear, there is always beauty, especially for these 20 species of venomous snakes, that add both venom and color to the world.
The Stunning Beauty of the Blood Moon Captured Worldwide
Admire this astounding natural phenomenon of the blood moon from different corners of the Earth: New York, Norway, Germany, Hawaii and many more...
22 of Nature Photography's Most Exquisite Moments!
The NG website has a daily photo of the day page, from which we've selected 22 incredible examples of nature's undeniable and breathtaking beauty. Undoubtedly, you also deserve to enjoy these amazing pictures from the last few months.
The Size of These Building Projects Will Boggle Your Mind
The vision and ambition of some world leaders is truly staggering. These huge infrastructure projects cost billions and try things never attempted before.
These Colorful Birds are Among the Most Vibrant!
These birds are so bright and beautiful that it's actually hard to believe they're real. Take a look at these 19 kaleidoscopic bird species for yourself.
Animals That Were Thought to Be Extinct But Are Still Here
Nature lovers will be happy to know that not all extinct animals stayed that way, like these 10 species that were rediscovered!
These Amazing Animals Are Relatives of Man's Best Friend
These small but fierce animals are the brethren to your dog, and just like dogs, they come in all different shapes and sizes. These beautiful creatures are spread all across our planet.
15 Commonly Cited State Facts That Are Completely Wrong!
You’ll be shocked to read the following U.S. state facts list and find that some of the “facts” that you never thought to question aren’t actually true.
19 Unique & Traditional Ways of Life Around the World
19 unique cultures that managed to preserve their traditions in the 21st century. English photographer Jimmy Nelson travels the globe to meet these unique tribes and brings back incredible photos.
Whoa! You Won’t Find These Big Bugs in Your Backyard!
Insects can be icky, but incredible. Here are 2 dozen of the most interesting and over-sized insects that are great to see from a distance
Wealth Of Nations
I Wonder If You Can Guess The World's Richest Government
10 of the Largest Living Birds in the World
Check out this list of the largest and heaviest birds that inhabit our planet today.
Why Steel Buildings in Canada Offer Lower Maintenance Costs Compared to Traditional Materials
This article explores why steel buildings in Canada reduce maintenance costs and provide a reliable solution for various applications.