In the Corner of Europe Lies a Hidden Pearl...
In the corner of the continent of Europe lies a hidden pearl with amazing views, ancient history, and magnificent nature...
Witness the Might of the World's Greatest Empires
The world's greatest civilizations and empires had a marked effect on history and shaped the world as we know it today. Watch these informative videos.
The Rise and Fall of the Mongol Empire
The story of an empire so vast and so powerful, it still leaves signs of its passing thousands of years later.
WATCH: What if the British Empire Suddenly Reappeared?
The British Empire is said to be the greatest body politic that has ever existed. So, how would it compare with today's major superpower if it resurfaced?
Common Misconceptions About the Roman Empire
Not everything we hear and read about the Ancient Roman Empire is true, you know... These facts, for example, turned out to be pure fiction!
The World’s First Empire Rose From a Dry Desert
Long before the Ancient Greeks and Romans, there was the Sumerian Empire. How did the world's first empire rise in seemingly impossible conditions?
QUIZ: Do You Know the History of EMPIRES?
In this quiz, we're going to ask you: What do you know about these empires of the past?
Full Documentary: Genghis Khan's Legendary Mongol Empire
Learn all about his incredible conquests of the legendary Genghis Khan this cinematic full-length documentary.
Beyond the Inca Empire and Colonialism: History of Peru
The history of Peru goes as far back as 9.000 BC. Learn the basics of this country's history from that time and until today in just 5 minutes
The Grisly Origins of Madame Tussaud's Wax Empire!
Ever wondered how Madame Tussaud's became the most famous waxmaker in history? Well, if you did, you need wonder no more!
Surprising Facts to Know About the Aztecs and Their Empire
The Aztecs were way ahead of their time!
Why Do the Turkish People Love Animals So Much?
Animals have a special place in the hearts of Turkish people, and they go out of their way to help them.
Test Yourself: How Familiar Are You With World History?
So far, no one's been able to get a perfect score on this hard history quiz... Will you be the first?
What Life Looked Like in 1890: 16 Fascinating Photos
Let’s explore the world looked like in 1890 through 16 fascinating photos.
7 Outstanding Examples of Byzantine Architecture
Visiting or just admiring any of the 7 Byzantine buildings we showcase in this article is quite a life-changing experience!
Come See the REAL Albania – The Hidden Jewel of Europe
The name "Albania" often brings up many cold-war espionage associations, but this Balkan state has a lot to offer for the curious tourist.
The Dark and Fascinating History of the Romanov Family
For more than three hundred years, the Romanov family had absolute power over Russia, this is their fascinating story.
20 Astounding Facts That Will Skew Your Perception of Time
These 20 mind-bending facts will show you just how warped your perception of time really is. Enjoy!
Some of the World's Great Cities Had Humble Beginnings...
The world's greatest cities did not suddenly appear out of thin air. They became what they are today over hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
12 Vintage Tools That Have Stood The Test of Time
Here is a collection of some really old vintage household items that are amazingly still working properly.
What a Beautiful City Budapest Is!
A scenic tour through some of the best sights of Budapest and a few other noteworthy places in Hungary.
Georgia Is the Most Beautiful Country You’ve Never Been To
The sights and attractions of the Caucasian country of Georgia
These Great Cities Were Once the World's Largest
History has seen the rise and fall of many great cities, but the greatest of all endure through the millennia. Take a look at this top 10.
15 Essential Legal Terms That Sound Confusing to People
If you want to understand legal representatives better and simply enjoy your favorite legal TV show to the fullest, learn these 15 legal words and phrases.
Everyone Should Visit These Gorgeous Romanian Castles
We have curated a list of the top nine most remarkable castles and fortresses in Romania and their fascinating histories.