Everyone Should Know How to Make These Tasty Cocktails
These recipes will show you how to make some delicious alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.
Does Alcohol Decrease or Increase Physical Pain?
Does alcohol decrease physical pain or does it make us feel it even stronger?
This Alcoholic Clown Prank Is Ridiculously Amusing!
If you're not a big fan of clowns, then this hilarious prank isn't going to do you any favors...
These Alcoholic Drinks Actually Have Some Health Benefits..
we've prepared a list of 8 common spirits and the health benefits they can bring with responsible, moderate consumption.
Is Alcohol Better as a Day Drink or At Night?
Learn about the less-known effects that alcohol has on your body and brain.
These Non-Routine Medical Tests Could Save Your Life!
Here are 8 non-routine tests that really have the potential to save your life, and some of them even need to be taken as early as 30.
Can Alcohol Affect the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Some health experts are concerned that drinking alcohol around the time of a Covid-19 vaccination could potentially render the jab less effective...
This Non-Invasive Heart Surgery Could Save Thousands
This new heart surgery technique is non-invasive and could end up saving a lot of lives. Read on to find out more.
8 Terrific Additional Uses For Rubbing Alcohol!
Unsure about what you're meant to use rubbing alcohol for? Wonder no longer, as we've listed 8 brilliant uses of rubbing alcohol in this article.
These Non-Routine Medical Tests Could Save Your Life...
This Joke Starts With a Rare Alcohol Expert
This joke begins with an alcoholic showing his skills...
For As Long as Humankind Has Existed, Alcohol Has Followed
Alcohol has been around in great variety for over 7000 years. How were they made and how did it spread? This video will tell you!
GUIDE: How Alcohol Affects Us, Drink by Drink...
In this article, we're going to discuss the exact amounts of alcohol in our blood and what they look like, including how each level affects us and our ability to function.
Your Body on Alcohol: The Pros & Cons of Drinking
Take a look at the effects of alcohol on our body in the interactive guide below.
Animal Spies: Fascinating Stories of Non-Human Agents
Who raises less suspicion than innocent animals? Learn of the incredible cases in which animals were trained and used for espionage.
We Bet You Never Knew Rubbing Alcohol Was This Useful!
Most people use rubbing alcohol for cuts or to cool a fever, but it has so many other fantastic uses. Here's 15 of them.
These 11 Alcoholic Drinks Have a Fascinating History!
In this article, we’ll tell you about the truly fascinating origins of 11 time-honored cocktails!
This Non-Toxic Spray Will Keep Your Grandkids' Toys Clean
Children love to get their toys dirty, and this non-toxic cleaner will leave them looking as good as new.
QUIZ: What Do You Know About Alcohol?
What do you know about alcohol and its many drinks?
Even Non Drinkers Can Suffer from Liver Damage, Here’s Why
Our gut bacteria may effect our health even more than we expected, with a specific bacterium being recently linked to fatty liver disease...
11 Non-Toxic Plants Perfect For Homes With Pets and Kids
You can confidently and safely grow these 11 beautiful and easy plants in a home with small children and pets.
8 Myths About Alcohol and The Truth Hidden Behind Them...
There are a number of myths about alcohol that we have researched and decided to debunk for you in one helpful post!
Study Finds Nicotine and Alcohol, Not Coffee, Harm Sleep
New study finds that alcohol and nicotine have a detrimental effect on sleep quality compared with caffeine.
What (Non-Psychedelic) Mushrooms Can Do for Your Brain
Lion's mane mushrooms are memory-enhancing brain food! Learn the science behind them here.
How Drinking Too Little Alcohol May Also Cause Dementia
A new study shows that drinking too much or too little alcohol can affect your chances of getting dementia. Read all about it here.