These Amazing Nature Photographs Will Leave You in Awe!
The winners from Nat Geo's 2017 Photography Competition have been announced and they will amaze you!
16 Unforgettable Tracks By Nat King Cole
Celebrate the beautiful music of one of the most influential jazz pianists and vocalists in history - Nat King Cole.
Breathtaking! Nature Has Never Looked This Beautiful!
Check out some of the finest photos from National Geographic's 2017 'Nature Photographer of the Year' awards.
Wow! These Beautiful Travel Photos Are out of This World!
Some of the photos from National Geographic's 2017 Travel Photographer of the Year Competition. These are absolutely stunning!
National Geographic's Photographer of the Year Winners
National Geographic have announced the winners of their 2016 Nature Photographer of the Year Competition. Check out the stunning photos here!
When it Comes to Beauty, These Photos Have Captured It
Every day National Geographic releases a "Photo of the Day" - here are 15 of the best from 2017 so far.
6 of the Most Heroic Animals You'll Ever Read About
Some animals can serve to inspire us with their bravery, and even keep us from harm. Here are 6 of the most heroic animals you'll ever read about.
Listen to the Enchanting Notes of the World's Oldest Songs
In this article, we will be talking about the oldest known pieces of music ever found.
These Wild Costumes From Miss Universe Will Dazzle You!
The annual Miss Universe Pageant, televised internationally, embraces beauty, color and culture in the form of these National Costumes
English Test: Can You Explain These Greek Words?
Choose the Greek root for the English words we ask about in this quiz.
These Wonderful Dogs Epitomize the Word Heroic!
Dogs truly are amazing creatures. Therefore, in their honor, we decided to compile a list of heroic and courageous canines that'll make you love them even more!
Can Faking a Smile Lift Your Mood? The Science Is In!
Can a fake smile truly make you feel happier? The science is in, and you’ll be surprised to learn the findings.
Take a Look at 2018's Greatest Personal Finance Apps
These apps can help make personal financial management a breeze. Give them a try!
QUIZ: Do You Know These English Words With Greek Roots?
Dragon Man: A Possible New Branch in the Human Family Tree
A mysterious ancient human skull discovery in China recently could change the story of human evolution.
6 Secure Search Engines You Can Use Instead of Google
Google isn’t the only search engine you have to use.
12 Helpful Korean Proverbs to Use in Daily Life...
Take a look at some beautiful and profound Korean proverbs that are sure to strike a chord with you.
Personality Test: Which Traits Should You Keep?
Answer the following personality quiz and find out what your positive qualities are and what needs improvement...
Quiz: What Trait Should You Fix And What Should You Keep?
12 Helpful Korean Proverbs to Use in Daily Life
What Will the Universe Look Like in 10 Quintillion Years?
These questions take us beyond science into the realm of imagination, as we contemplate the ultimate fate of our Universe and everything within it.
The Fascinating Story of How Brazil Became a Country
In this video, we’ll explore the key events, influential figures, and socio-political dynamics that shaped Brazil into the vibrant nation we know today.
A Simple Workout for Joint Pain and Cardiovascular Health
If you aren't as mobile as you used to be, this video is for you.
Studies Show: How Work Can Shorten Our Lifespan
You are invited to learn about these studies and discover how many working hours could actually endanger your life.
Ever Wondered What Animals Think? Check Out These Comics
Enjoy a hearty dose of laughter with these hilarious animal comics by Jimmy Craig.