Why Are We So Susceptible to Misinformation?
It turns out that people are wired to believe certain misconceptions rather than see the whole picture... but why is that?
10 Things We All Get Wrong About Allergies
Don’t let misinformation prevent you from living a healthy life. Stop trusting these 10 widespread allergy myths.
Truth or Myth: Are Fruits as Sugary as Candy?
Here are 19 diet myths about debunked. Which one did you believe in?
These Common Exercise Myths Could Be Holding You Back
Don't believe everything you har about exercising.
This Doctor Showed Us Masks Are Safe to Wear While Running
With many people raising concerns regarding breathing difficulty caused by masks, these doctors prove that masks are perfectly safe.
Creative Ways People Have Been Staying Safe From COVID-19
Here are some people who came up with creative DIY and improvised versions of personal protective equipment to safeguard against COVID-19
10 Common Facebook Facts That You'd Do Well to Ignore!
Like everything that can affect many people, there is a lot of misinformation floating around about Facebook. Here are 10!
Is This the Worst Travel Destination on the Planet?
Many people seem to think that traveling to Africa is a smart move. Well, I have to strongly disagree, since there are loads of negative things about Africa!
Why Some People May Hide They Are Covid-19 Positive
These are the psychological reasons some people choose to hide they are Covid-19 positive, and some tips on how to encourage more transprancy.
Should You Follow Bloggers’ Weight Loss Advice?
With the rise of social media, many people rely on food bloggers to get quality weight loss advice, but are they getting it?
8 Things We All Get Wrong About Arthritis and Joint Pain
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation around joint pain and arthritis. These myths are extremely harmful to those who suffer from the condition.
Spotting WhatsApp Spam: 5 Tips for Safe Chatting
Due to WhatsApp's increasing popularity, the number of spam texts in circulation has also grown. Here's how you can spot them.
The 12 Game-Changing Inventions From 2024 You Missed
2024 was a ground-breaking year in terms of innovation. Here's a look at some of the key breakthroughs from the year.
Flu Shots and Alzheimer’s: Is There a Connection?
Flu shots cannot cause Alzheimer's disease. To the contrary, studies show that they may actually cut down one's risk of the disease by 30%!
9 Dental Hygiene Myths We All Need to Stop Believing!
It's disconcerting to see just how many myths there about proper oral hygiene floating around on the internet. Here are 9 of the most common.
8 Dangerous COVID-19 Vaccine Rumors You Shouldn’t Believe
Fear about potential side effects and of the COVID-19 vaccine has started to spread at an alarming rate. It's time to debunk such myths.
These 10 Documentaries Are a Must for Curious Minds
You can’t miss these thought-provoking documentaries.
Conspiracy Theories - A Few Fascinating Things to Consider
Conspiracy theories are easy to dismiss, but they are a normal and interesting part of human psychology. Learn 6 facts on conspiracy theories here.
The Truth About Nature’s Most Misunderstood Animals
Bats, hyenas, vultures, snakes, and more – today we will shed light on the world’s most misunderstood animals.
The Mandela Effect: How Collective False Memories Occur
When masses of people share false memory that didn't actually occur, it's called the Mandela Effect. Learn more about this heavily debated topic.
Vitamin D Deficiencies Are NOT Caused By Sunblock
If you're not sure whether sun exposure is dangerous to your health and how often you should wear sunscreen, here is what you need to know.
Debunking the Common Myths Regarding the COVID-19 Variants
The new COVID-19 variants have caused widespread confusion and fear. Here, we attempt to debunk some common myths surrounding them.
10 Questions Every Nutritionist Hears and Their Answers
Here are some of the most common questions people have about nutrition and what expert nutritionists have to say about them.
Beware of These Products That Can Supposedly Cure COVID-19
Here is a look at a few “miracle” coronavirus products that you should be wary of.
The Future Is Here: The Internet Of Things!
The future, agree most technology experts, is the 'Internet of Things'.