7 Subtle Signs of Depression You Should Know About
We all know about the common symptoms of depression such as fatigue and sadness, but there are also a lot of subtle symptoms. Here are 7 of them!
Why You Lost Your Motivation and How to Get It Back
Everyone feels unmotivated sometimes, and it can be emphasized by the lockdown and pandemic. The secret is to understand why.
Nitinol: The Metal With a Memory!
Have you ever heard of nitinol, a metal that can "remember" its original shape when heated?
21 Incredible Items Unearthed by Metal Detectors
Metal detecting is a surprisingly popular hobby. Here are some of the coolest and most valuable items found by amateur metal detector hobbyists.
The Shell of This Weird Deep Sea Snail Is Made of Metal
These deep sea snails live in the least habitable place on Earth and are like no other animal, as their bodies are covered with metal armor
Discover Why There's a Metallic Taste in Your Mouth
If your mouth constantly tastes like old pennies, you're not alone. There are several different conditions that may cause this to arise, such as these eight...
Turning Scrap Metal Into Art – 17 Amazing Pictures
Who knew scrap metal can be used to make such beautiful artworks?
New and Creative Ways to Upcycle Metal Objects
This article discusses the new and creative ways of upcycling your metal objects.
These Bacteria Can Turn Toxic Metal Compounds Into Gold
Scientists have discovered the process that a bacteria uses to change toxic metals into gold nanoparticles. Discover the amazing findings here.
QUIZ: What Do You Know About Metals?
They are so handy and helpful to our tools and technology, but what do you really know about them?
Metallic Taste in Your Mouth? Here Are 10 Possible Causes
The flavors we experience derive from what we put into the mouth, but sometimes there are factors that distort the sense of taste - here are 10 of them.
What Metals Do We Mine the Most? This Graph Shows All!
Did you know the world mined 2.8 billion tonnes of metals in 2021? Let’s discover what metals we mined the most.
Goldsmithing Expert Turns a Metal Blob into Pure Gold!
An amazing process of chemisty and gold-working turns this blob into pure 24 carat gold.
Magnificent Metal Sculptures of Animals Made From Cutlery
Matt Wilson is an artist from South Carolina. His art is created from knives, forks or cuillères, in which he bends the metal to his will, bringing various types of animals to life.
Stunning Scrap Metal Animals by the Sculptor Barbara Franc
Barbara Franc is an artist that currently lives in London and has gained fame for her beautiful scrap metal sculptures of animals
Accurate Replicas of Extinct Insects Made of Metal - Wow!
We are about to show you the most accurate and realistic metal replicas of insects and arthropods you will ever see!
From Scrap Metal to Luxury Sports Car in 5 Years
It took 5 years, but it's finally here: a collection of luxury sports cars replicas made entirely out of scrap metal.
Some Great and Cheap Ways You Can Remove Rust from Metal
Where's there's metal, there's rust - it's an ever annoying problem. These remedies allow you to restore rusty items without using harmful chemicals!
Man Poured Metal Inside a Seashell. See What Happened
We're all used to seeing the outside of seashells, but we never see what's inside. This fascinating experiment will change that!
How Can Laser Cut Through Metal and Make Incisions?
Laser has first been theorized by Einstein in 1917, and is found literally everywhere you look today, but how does it actually function?
Health Guide: How to Preserve the Health of Your Eyes
A guide to understanding common eye problems people experience as they age and tips on how to protect your eyes.
This Week in Health Tips
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This Week in Health Tips!
Sometimes taking care of your health comes down to small everyday decisions. Discover some tricks to making your life healthier in this week’s health tips.
Summer is here and it’s time to be outdoors. Here are the best tips that make caring for your health easy, so that you can enjoy the summer as you’re meant to.
Your weekly dose of helpful tips that'll keep you healthy and happy for a long time.